Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Catch up

Sorry about the bad quality pic! - Source
Hiya! Just a quick catch up as I don't have much time to post.  I'm now back at school which I'm gutted about, the holidays went by so fast!  They were amazing anyway, so I'm happy about that aspect, but I also did absolutely no revision so a big catch up is due, especially with art, as I'm supposed to know what I'm doing for my final piece already and I have no clue!  These factors will mean that my posts will be less frequent and probably shorter and less quality but I'll try my absolute hardest! 

Anyway, I went to Bournemouth again yesterday as my mum decided we were going to have a family day out, to spend some time together as a collective as we don't get to do it often, because my step-dad is always at work, one of my brothers is at boarding school, the other is at golf all the time and I spend a lot of time out and tend to avoid too much family at once!  It was good though, nice to spend some time with the whole family, even though it isn't as fun as going with your friends!

I also want to say a massive thank you to all my followers.  I know there may not be too many of you, a humble 25, but you all mean the world to me.  All the comments I get on my posts are so lovely and really make me feel like the effort I put into my blogging and stuff is worthwhile and that I'm part of the community? (as cheesy as that sounds!).  But yeah, I will try and keep up the good posts so look forward that I guess (:
love amy x


  1. Aww i absolutley love reading your posts, same i did no revision !! oopps :S , i agree that sometimes you just need to spend time with family it might not be as fun as it is with friends but hey ho :) xx

  2. Is that Swedish writing, or what language ??

  3. no idea, it's not my image, I just got it from weheartit !

  4. yeah that's true sometime you need to stay with your family. and its a good thing. I am a teacher and lecturer i don't have a time to spend with the family due to workload because i am providing Law Assignment Help to uk students.


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