Sunday 31 July 2011

Sunday Summary Week 12

1/ 38 people on my blog at once!
2/ Laughed out load at this ridiculous gaga outfit
3/ My friend comically rolling a cigarette, mid-motorway
4/ Found a kettle on a pavement, random
5/ The car crash
6/ Alex's arm (broken in 3 places!)
7/ Alex after surgery, awwwhhh
8/ My inbox after not being home for two days, owwwp

Things I loved this week:
1/ This blog called 'We are the crowd'.  It's run by three girls and is really great, one of my favourite blogs!
2/ The Regretsy site.  Some of the stories on here are so funny!
3/ These amazing graffiti photos!

I'll be honest, I competely forgot about Sunday summary aha, so here it is a little later than I would have liked!

So yesterday turned out to be completely hectic.  My friend was having a party and I got the train to town then got picked up by my friend.  We were nearly at the guys house when we were going round a corner that little bit too fast, skidded on some gravel and swerved, resulting in the car slamming into someone's fence.  We all slammed forward in the car and it was pretty scary, thank god we were all wearing our seatbelts.  I was fine, as the seatbelt had held me in, and my face broke my fall (haha) on the seat back, whereas the people in the front got affected quite a lot by the seatbelt yank, the driver actually got whiplash I think.

My boyfriend Alex was sitting in the middle and was holding on to the handle you get on the car roofs on my side so when the car crashed I must have pushed his arm and hurt it.  We got out and he was in loads of pain so we rang the police and the ambulance and they didn't take too long to arrive.  All the people who were in the car were checked out by the nurses and gave a statement to the police.  Alex's mum drove over and took me to the hospital to meet Alex and it turned out later on that they found out Alex's upper arm bone (humerus) was broken in three places and he would need an operation to fix it, which involved a plate and lots of screws. I stayed at one of my girlfriends houses that night and went to visit Alex in the morning.  The operation started at midday and he came out 3 and a half hours later all woozy and sleepy from the anesthetic.  His arm is now all casted up and he has 8 screws and a plate on the bone, which should take 4 to 10 weeks to heal.

Altogether it's been a rough couple of days but I'm just pretty glad to be alive and well.  These things do happen and it could have been anyone, I'm now knackered so maybe I'll post tomorrow, byeeee
love amy x

Saturday 30 July 2011

Crystal Castles [UPDATED]

Top: Topshop
Cardi: Topshop
Shorts: Made by me
Socks: Primark
Ear cuff: made by me

So this was a really rushed post yesterday.  I was just about to go out and I don't even know why I didn't just wait until today to post, oh well.  Don't really have much to say so enjoy!
love amy x

150 Follower Giveaway! (CLOSED)


As promised (a little too many times!) here is my 150 follower giveaway! It's just to say a huge thank you to all the people that have supported my blog, I read all of your comments and it all means a lot to me!

Can I just add, Sew Beastly is the fabulous sponsor of this giveaway, donating the lovely pouch.  Her shop is super awesome, selling top quality handmade goods worth every penny.  I was sent one identical to the one in this giveaway and it has been my savior.  I've needed a makeup bag for so long and this is exactly the perfect size and it stands up by itself, as well as being the perfect size to slip in your handbag.  The details are also beautiful.  The pouch is lined with a pretty pink, matching the frill and there is a Sew Beastly tag sewn into the side as well as a handmade charm on the zip.  Altogether my praises could not be higher of her stuff and I urge you to visit her adorable Etsy shoppe!

Anyway, included in this giveaway is:
- Feather ear wrap made by me
- Candy Stripe pouch from Sew Beastly (buy here)
- One 10% off discount code to the Sew Beastly shop
- Rimmel London nail varnish
- Little tiara pinkie ring from (buy here)

To enter:
1. You MUST be a follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin'
2. Leave a comment on this post saying 'enter me' with your email address.
3. Like Sew Beastly's Facebook page here (+1)
4. Follow Sew Beastly's blog here (+1)

Extra entries:
1. Go to the Sew Beastly shop and heart it (+1)
2. Heart your favourite item from the Sew Beastly shop (+1)
3. Be a follower of my blog via GFC and Bloglovin' (+1)
4. Follow my Twitter (+1)
5. Tweet about this giveaway saying "@amyvalentinex is having an awesome giveaway on her blog, follow the link for more details!" (+2)
6. Follow my Tumblr (+1)
7. Fan me on Lookbook (+1)
8. Make a blog post about this giveaway (+3)

Altogether that is 14 entries available for each participant!  All extra entries MUST have a separate comment each or you will not be rewarded the entry.  Giveaway is open to international participants.  A winner will be drawn on the 30th August, and I will be checking that you followed the compulsory steps.  Happy entering!
love amy x

Thursday 28 July 2011

Purple Rose


The lovely Emma from Purpleee Rose held a giveaway a few weeks ago and I must be on some kind of lucky streak, as I won!  I received the cutesy parcel when I came back from Spain, so apologies for the lateness!  It was a vintage giveaway so all the items are unique which is really cool!  In the package was a gorgeous vintage scarf, a velvet maxi dress, some lovely necklaces and a little note for me!  The dress is honestly amazing, it's just insanely annoying that I'm so tall, as it's that little bit too short, grrr. However, I'm thinking of playing around with it a little bit and making it into a short dress, and using the excess material to make a skirt a la Kayla Hadlington!  I haven't been able to take a picture of the dress full length, but if I do change it about, I'll be sure to make a post about it.  On that note, thank you so much to Emma for hosting a giveaway, I'm delighted with my wins.  Now to any readers, make sure you check out Emmas blog here, it's one of my favourite and I strongly recommend following her!
love amy x

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wednesday Want Week 18: Tequila Star

I've always loved the clothes that clothing line 5Preview has, and this online store called Tequila Star has very similar prints, for a much more affordable price! I love how the designs 'mock' the big brands and the leather jacket is just spectacular.  Click here to go to the site and click on each picture to go to the listing.
love amy x

Monday 25 July 2011

The Lost Girls

Ink marl turband: Crown & Glory (won in a giveaway!)
"The Lost Girls" Crop tee: Charity shop
Floral skirt: €7.99 Zara

So here I am, sporting my new Crown & Glory turband that I won in the Wallpaper Rose giveaway and the skirt I bought in my recent haul.  It's a little more girlier than the stuff I usually wear but you can't wear the same stuff all the time I guess. I'm pretty happy with the tan I got from spain, apart from my face, I never seem to tan on my face though, which is annoying, but at least I can wear makeup to create the illusion, sun makes you age more anyway.  I also apologise for the grainy-ness of these photos.  The room was perfectly light and settings on camera were as normal, so I don't know what went wrong but meh, what can you do.
love amy x

Spain 2011

Here are a few snaps from my holiday in Spain.  I went for two weeks and it was lovely to have a holiday and spend time with my family but I did miss my friends, and got so behind on my blog!  I don't really have any amazing photos, as most pictures are actually just of my baby brother, so I tried not to overload on them.  The first picture is our villa, the fourth and fifth are of Freddie after eating an ice cream, the sixth and seventh are of the outside table when the umbrella base snapped and smashed the glass tabletop, pretty bad!  The eighth photo is of the 500 piece puzzle we completed, quite sad I know but we had nothing else to do! We did buy a 1000 piece puzzle after that, but we weren't able to complete it before we left, it was mostly blue pieces so was really difficult! Lastly, the ninth photo is of the emergency passports we had to buy as we lost our normal ones, it was extortionately expensive, about £130 each but apparently we can claim that on holiday insurance.  I don't know much about that stuff, so just look how pretty they are!

So yeah, bit of a boring post but I wanted to put something about my holiday on here.  Today I need to organise everything, including tidying my room, cleaning up the blog, sorting out blog buttons, sorting out the giveaway, making a present, posting orders, a lot to do!
love amy x

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday Summary Week 11

1/ Freddie on the plane back to England
2/ Pretty clouds from above
3/ Funny ad at the train station
4/ Mouldy findings from the fridge when we arrived home
5/ Came home to some post!
6/ Made rice crispy cake :D

Things I loved this week:
1/ This Flickr photostream. This girl is seriously talented at drawing!
2/ The Gives Me Hope website. Like the FML website but with uplifting stories. So lovely.
3/ These cute "I do" soundgraph wedding rings

This will be the last of my scruffy weekly posts! I'm back in England now so regular posts will be back!  I'm sorry this post is so boring, the pictures all seem to contain rectangular things, so nothing exciting.  I'm in a really weird mood where I can't think of much to write.  Alex came round yesterday and stayed round and spent the day here today which was nice as I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks.

I know I said this before with a 100 follower mark, but I am going to do a giveaway when I reach 150 followers!  I hadn't actually organised the giveaway before and some sponsors let me down, then I had to go to Spain but now I'm back with a great sponsor and some want-worthy items up for grabs, so spread the word!
love amy x

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Wednesday Want Week 17: La Garconne

Rag & Bone Suffolk Sweater
Love this crop sweater, great for the summer days where the weather isn't as ideal as you would want it to be.  Just a shame that it's at such an extortionate price!  Find it here.  Also apologies for the short rushed post, just at an internet café so don't have much time!
love amy x

Monday 18 July 2011

Sunday Summary Week 10

1/ Me and my stepdad comparing tans.  I win.
2/ My calendar for the holiday, counting down the days until I go home!
3/ 500 piece puzzle me and the fam completed
4/ Freddie asleep in his pram while we were having dinner, bless.
5/ Went to the beach without suncream on, big mistake.
6/ Spongebob carseat we found in some supermarket, there was a Buzz lightyear one too!

Again, apologies for the late post.  This will be the last tardy one, as the next time I will be getting round to doing a Sunday summary post, I will be back in England!  It's already been X days in Spain and in some ways it's gone really fast, but in others extremely slowly.  I'm absolutely gutted that I missed Guilfest, which was this very weekend just gone.  It would have been so good as I looove festivals, and I know a couple of bands playing, so everything would have been awesome, so annoying!

At least I can go to Reading festival.  I've been every year since 2008 as well as two previous times with my mum when I was younger.  This year will be my fourth wristband!  I know it's scabby, trust me I've had it from everyone, the whole 'Do you have any idea how skanky those must be?' and 'What will you do when you get a job??' yadda yadda.  I honestly don't really care!  It's kinda sad, but my Reading bands are one of my most treasured possessions!  They have all these amazing memories attached and they also kind of help represent me as a person? Kinda? Like when I see someone with a Reading band it's an instant conversation starter and I'm hoping they'll help make friends with things in common with me at college (as sad as that sounds!).

Anyway, I'm babbling again, sorry! I think it's because I'm tired, I always seem to babble when I'm tired, I didn't realise this also translated when I'm typing too!  Also also, when I get back from Spain I have a great giveaway for you guys with a truly awesome sponsor! I actually cannot wait to unveil it!  Until then, CYAAAA!
love amy x

Friday 15 July 2011


Swallow knuckle ring - €5.00 Ale-Hop
White sheer stripe tee w/ writing - €5.99 Zara
Desert print vest - €5.99 Zara
Pink vest - €5.95 Zara
Floral skirt - €7.99 Zara
Black pleat skirt - €9.99 Zara
Brown bag - €39.99 Zara

The other day I went to a big shopping centre here in Spain called Ondara.  The shops there are pretty good, with a Pull and Bear and a Zara, as well as a few others.  At the beginning of the holiday, me and my brothers were given €50 to spend, and I had already brought €30 savings from previous holidays so went crazy with the sales.  I always find that the Zara stores in spain are better than the ones in the UK, especially the teenage range that they do (TRF).  I bought a few tops, two skirts, a bag and a ring.  The ring was from a store called Ale-Hop which sells a load of random stuff, it's really cool actually, bit of a shame we don't have it in England. (If you did bother to do the maths, you will know that I spend more than my limit.  My mum helped me out with the little that I went over)

I looove the vest with the desert print on it.  It's quite small on me, but it was going so cheap, there was only one left, and I've been wanting a similar one for so long.  It's really similar to the clothing made by Your Eyes Lie and Black Milk so I'm delighted with it, bargain!

I'm a little stuck on the bag I bought.  It is probably the best quality bag that I have acquired, as it is genuine leather and is really strong etc. But I spent so much on it, €40!  I do like it, but I'm having doubts, as I know that if I took it back I would have another €40 to spend on holiday, as it is only day 7 of 14 so I have none left for my holiday.  I also don't really use brown bags that often, as I mostly wear black shoes or accents to my outfit, so would not use it as much as my other bags, which are all cheaper than it.  I'd really love your honest opinion on it, I won't be offended if you say what you think!  Should I keep it or save the money to put towards a Cambridge Satchel or something?
love amy x

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Sunday Summary Week 9

/ Created a packing list for my spain holiday!
2/ Nana bought a blow up sumo suit for my brothers, obviously I needed to have a go
3/ On the plane flying over pretty mountains, so many of them
4/ I got a free sample of one wax strip in a magazine, what is the point?
5/ Getting creative with watercolours in my moleskine by the pool
6/ Our villa/my home for 2 weeks

Things I loved this week:
1/ This song from the band my boyfriend introduced me to called ‘Right Away Great Captain!’
2/ These gorgeous clothes from an up-coming designer, JAM IT DOWN
3/ This seriously addictive unicorn game!

Sorry I missed this post!  I can't believe it's 3 days late! I am able to get on the internet in Spain if I go down to the library which has an internet connection, but it’s closed on Sundays so I wasn’t able to so my Sunday summary post.  So although it’s Monday, I’m still pleased that I can get internet here at all, because in the past I’ve had to go down to the internet café, spending a euro for every five minutes that I’m online, and that really isn’t worth it!

The appearance of my blog is seriously killing me at the moment.  I'm really OCD with the posts and how it looks and I always make sure that the weekly's that I do are spaced out with different topic posts.  Now I have so many sunday summaries and wednesday wants and it's stressing me out! I've now scheduled some posts so hopefully it'll sort itself out and they'll work.

I’ve been here in Moraira, Spain for 5 full days now and it’s blistering hot here!  I’m already starting to go brown as I tan really easily and we’re lucky enough to have a pool to go in, but I annoyingly have to avoid getting my hair wet, as I’ve got quite a lot of bleach in it and do not want to come back with green hair!  As I said, the lack of readily available (close by) internet means that posts will be less frequent but I’ve got a few scheduled ones lined up for you guys.  At the moment I’m just dealing with reading all the updates on my dashboard, I follow quite a lot of blogs and I read every new post as I hate missing out, so the build up that occurs is crazy!  So yeah, stay tuned for some scheduled posts and that, bye bye!
love amy x

Tuesday 5 July 2011


As you may know from my previous posts or if you are a follower of my twitter, my prom was on sunday and I wanted to share some (or a lot of) photos.  I'm obviously the blonde in the pink dress, and my date is my boyfriend Alex, with his little matching tie and pocket hanky whatsit.  I had pre drinks at mine where everyone had photo's taken with their dates, then we had some with the stretch hummer and we were off to the venue.  The venue was so beautiful, with really grand buildings and amazing grounds with peacocks roaming around (only have one picture of it!) and it's so weird finding blue and green feathers around when you're used seeing to scabby pidgeon feathers!  We got in and had our photo's taken professionally (when they're on the site I might ammend them to this post) and they served buck's fizz, which was nice as a lot of proms do not allow any alcohol.  There was a little finger buffet put out as well and the desserts were the cutest;  I had the chocolate berry cheesecake, which you can see in the picture, and wow it was so yummy!  If you read the shoe haul/panic post the other day, you'll know that I really couldn't decide which shoes to wear, and you'll now be able to see that I chose the studded River Island ones.  They looked really good and matched my clutch, but they absolutely killed my feet, resulting in me having to hobble around and walk slowly, but at least the pain was worth it!

At 11:30 we all went to my friends house for the after prom party which is basically where everyone just gets quite drunk.  I didn't really drink too much as I was absolutely knackered so I just got all grumpy!  I cannot handle going without sleep, I get so irritable and snappy it's unreal.  We weren't supposed to be allowed inside her house, but as everyone wanted to stay up, they were in the marquee where we were originally supposed to be sleeping, so I was let in the house to sleep on the sofa after much begging, but still didn't get much.  Thankfully I got to my mums relatively early in the day and had a powernap to keep me going!

Altogether, my prom was amazing, I could not have asked for a better night and it was so lovely seeing the average people I used to see at school everyday looking so amazing all dressed up.  I've got to go get packing for my holiday in a few days so congrats if you read all this and apologies for the rambling and  image overload!
love amy x
© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.