Friday, 29 November 2013

VIDEO // I Heart Fall Tag

Currently dying from a virus in bed but luckily I pre-filmed a couple of videos last week so even though autumn is nearly over, I hope you enjoy watching the I heart fall tag!
love amy x

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Earrings* // Persunmall
Cami* // Fashion Union
Skirt* // Fashion Union
Heels* // iKrush
Rings // The Bohemian Co.*, Rachel Sudlow, Primark, Hunter Gatherer*, Regal Rose, vintage

Wearing the same shoes two outfits in a row - bad blogger!  I'm actually currently blogging on the train back from Manchester so there's a high chance someone could be reading this over my shoulder as I type but internet was like £2 and I don't think I could handle another 4 hour train journey without an internet fix (very sad I know).  I did some awesome stuff with Missguided today so I'm in a really good mood despite having been awake since 6am and I can't wait to share everything when it's ready!  In the meantime you can see some snaps from the day on my Instagram and Missguided's Instagram - one of my photos even made the popular page which is crazy!
Anyway I can tell I'm rambling as pretty much all I just typed was completely irrelevant to this outfit.  I've yet to own a sequin mini skirt so this one from Fashion Union was a welcome addition to my growing family of skirts, and I thought the cami would bring out the blue tones in it, which coincidentally I think contrasts nicely with my hair (is it just me or do I say that a lot?).  Moving on..apart from this whole text just being a massive tired brain fart I hope you like this outfit byeeee!
love amy x

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Motel Rocks Blogger Party

Photo credit: 2, 6, 10, 13 // other photos my own

A couple of Thursdays ago your social networking feeds may have been bombarded with photos hashtagging #MotelRocksTheParty and this event was the reason why!  Motel always throw the best blogger parties so I was over the moon to receive an invite to the latest one held in Pro Green's club, INK.  The cocktails were flowing and there was plenty to do - from having your nails painted by The Illustrated Nail girls, getting multicoloured locks from the Urban Fudge team, indulging in some yoomoo frozen yoghurt, browsing the latest Motel collection or taking too many tipsy mirror selfies in the toilet. It was lovely to see some of my blogger friends again, and to meet the lovely Laura, Leanne & Victoria!  Big thanks to the Motel team for putting on such a great party and heres to more events in the future!

To read my post about the last Motel event click here and don't forget to watch the vlog I made of the day here!
love amy x

Monday, 25 November 2013


Necklace // Tiffany
Tee* // WTFUK
Skirt* // Lavish Alice
Shoes* // iKrush
Rings // ?, ?, Regal Rose, Thomas Sabo, English Rose Designs, ?
Temporary Tattoo* // Fickle
Lips // Mac Rebel

WOAH the bitchface is back with a vengeance people, this time accompanied with a clean cut outfit.  As many other bloggers, I absolutely love Ivania Carpio and this skirt really reminds me of her asymmetrical, minimal outfits so I guess this look was a little inspired by her!  I decided to keep it monochrome but casual by teaming the skirt with my WTFUK crop top and dainty silver accents just to try something a little different to my usual style!  Also before you ask - no I did not get inked; I am far too indecisive to get something put permanently on my body!  The little graphic on my arm is in fact from Fickle and they have some adorable designs so go check them out if you're not too into the whole permanent thing!
love amy x

Saturday, 23 November 2013

VLOG // F&F Press Day & Motel Rocks Party

Just a vlog I filmed at a blogger event last week. I'm still getting used to the whole vlogging thing as I'm not as confident in front of a video camera but hopefully I'll get more comfortable with it the more I film.  This video is probably has more footage of drunken bloggers than the event haha, but I hope you enjoy watching!
love amy x

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Cat ears* // Boohoo
Earrings* // Moon Bright
Necklace* // Hunter Gatherer
Dress* // Evil Twin via Urban Outfitters
Bracelet* // Native Feathers
Spiked Damsels // Jeffrey Campbell
Rings // The Bohemian Co*, Zara Taylor*, market, market, Diamonfire*, Henryka*
Lips // Mac Boyfriend Stealer

Yes these photos were taken around Halloween time which is why I'm wearing the kitty ears, but lets just ignore that and focus on this gorgeous dress!  Evil Twin never disappoint; the velvet burnout detail is so unique, and the neck cutouts give it an alien-esque touch so I thought I'd pair it with my super high damsels which haven't seen my blog for a little while now!
Ps. I'm selling some of my wardrobe on my blog shop at discounted prices - shop here!
love amy x

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

HAUL // Snupped Custom iPad Case

SpaceBook* // Snupped

I received an iPad mini from my boyfriend not long ago and I'm on it 24/7 so the case gets duffed around in my bag constantly, therefore my crappy ebay case got all tatty and dirty within weeks of using it.  So judging from that experience you can imagine how over the moon I was when Snupped got into contact.

Snupped is a company that works with different artists to continuously release unique designs on cases for laptops, tablets and phones.  Although I was very drawn to some of the premade graphics, I really wanted a bespoke iPad case, so I spent hours creating my own personal cover on Photoshop with a load of crappy Tumblr photos and absolutely love the end result - not only because I love how busy it is, but because it's totally personalised for me!   I went for the SpaceBook which opens out and has a convenient paperwork pocket, but you can also get a SpaceGlove which is a sleeve style if that's more your thing!

The case is extremely sturdy, I've kept it on my iPad since I got it in September and there are no signs of wear whatsoever.  The case obviously bends in the middle so I can stand it up to watch TV and fastens with elastic to keep the iPad secure.  I will be honest - the single downside to the case is that it does not feature a hole in the back to take photos, but I never use the camera on my iPad anyway so it's not a problem for me.

I think if you're looking for a special, personalised Christmas present, a Snupped case is the way to go - whether you create a photo collage, have a favourite work of art or even opt for one of the preset designs, it's a gift suitable for all ages and genders!
love amy x

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

VIDEO // October Haul

Posting this halfway through the month but better late than never I guess!  Excuse the lighting as I tried filming with artificial light but hope you enjoy watching and please like/subscribe! <3
Ps. Click 'read more' for all item details!
love amy x

Read more →


Monday, 18 November 2013


Lips // Mac Russian Red
Necklace* // Little By Little
Blouse* // Awwdore
Pinafore* // SheInside
Heels* // She Likes
Watch // Disney
Rings // Dixi & Brandy Melville

A sweet little summery outfit because my fashion rules are not restricted by seasons apparently.  I know pinafore dresses have kind of had their time but I loved this one so much I couldn't resist posting an outfit, especially with such a cute blouse underneath (I just wish I'd photographed it in more detail!).  I've been lusting after a pair of nude heels for so long as they're the best thing for making you look as if your legs are 8 feet long, so these ones from She Likes fit the bill perfectly - they make me look even more bambi-esque than usual!
love amy x
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