1/ Backstage prep 2/ My final stage look!
3/ Fern before the show 4/ Hectic backstage
5/ Phoebe's final look 6/ Hazelnut mocha & rocky road
9/ Painting my nails all minty 10/ Raspberry cupcake
11/ Marshmallowy hot chocolate 12/ La Di Da Cupcakes decor
13/ Tie Dye tee ootd 14/ Caramel cupcake
15/ Touch Zero Gravity rubix case 16/ Easter sunday roast
So a lot of photos this week! The first few are from when I was in Manchester on Monday for Pro Hair Live which was really fun, then I went to the La Di Da bakery with my mum for her birthday so I got some pretty pictures from that! I'm off to Manchester tomorrow for a couple of days so hopefully that'll be fun :D
love amy x