Tuesday 31 January 2012

Immaculate Misconception

Last week I won a mini twitter giveaway from Covet jewellery! I was allowed to pick 1 item from the shop and I chose the YSL Arty ring replica as I've been wanting one for a while.  I did actually win one ages ago in a La Dama giveaway but they never even got back to me so don't trust them! Anyway, I really love the ring, and the shop has some other great stuff.  I also urge you to check out the owner, Alix's blog called I Covet Thee.  I've been a follower for a little while now and she posts some great stuff!
love amy x

Sunday 29 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 37

1/ Mcdonalds breakfast..again!
2/ Painted my nails
3/ Selling some stuff on ebay here
4/ Won a ring from Covet Jewellery!
5/ Extra chocolatey digestive
6/ Reminisced over prom pictures, cute
7/ Party on saturday
8/ Sparkler
9/ Intoxicated boyfriend

Things I loved this week:
1/ Love Chloe's blog, chloeHford!
2/ Product of a Murderer - Of Mice & Men.  Listen here
3/ The baby monkey riding on a pig app for the iPhone, so good!

I'm trying to write this post as quick as possible as my laptops nearly out of battery and I don't have the charger.  I went out friday morning to go to college and literally did not get home until this evening.  I went to a gig on friday, stayed at Alex's, then spent saturday there, going to a party in the evening and staying over there, then dozed around at Pollys.  If you're a regular reader of my blog you'll know who Alex and Polly are, if not then sorry for the random names! Don't have much to write about other than I have a huge tummy ache, so I'm off to get painkillers!

love amy x

Sunday 22 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 36

1/ Had a mcdonalds breakfast!
2/ Saw a mini with eyelashes, so weird
3/ Creme egg splats!
4/ Mum got me a shiny french pokemon card!
5/ Lighter, preeetty
6/ Baby bro in a donkey hat hahaha
7/ Had a huge room clearout
8/ Alex's dreamcatcher, pretty
9/ Got a stitch phone case!

Things I loved this week:
This amazing photoshoot featuring fairy lights
2/ This totally true post, if you're interested in photography read it, this girl tells it straight!
3/ Love this gorgeous acorn necklace.

This week has been alright, still behind on most of my coursework but I'm trying my best.  If you're twitter you'll know I have a new phone case, which I'll blog about soon, and I also want to do one of the 'what's in my bag' posts as well as a 'how much is my face worth' post, as it'd be really interesting to find out how much money I spend on cosmetics! I need to go sort out skiwear for my half term ski holiday with the boyfriend (which I am so so so so excited about!) as I don't actually have any, so byeee!

ALSO: I'm selling some stuff which you can find on my ebay, please take a look, if you buy one of the gift cards you get £10 free to spend in the shop!
love amy x

Thursday 19 January 2012

give me your hand

I've been working pretty hard on my graphics at college lately and thought I'd share some of my work with you guys.  I plan on making a book with short, happy quotes and these are two of them.  I also have a second typography project which was to create alphabet.  I chose to create one from sweets so I'll definitely share that soon! I work so hard on my graphics, it's probably my favourite subject so I'd love to hear what you think!
edit: Blogger isn't letting me reply to comments but for those asking, I made these graphics in photoshop(:
love amy x

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Hearts Aside Our Horses

These are a select few photos from a shoot I did the other day with my friend Molly.  Unlike the other shoots I've done, I used the studio for this so the photos are better exposed and a lot more detailed as I set my camera to the relevant settings with one of those big flash things too so yeah, what do you think?
love amy x

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 35

1/ Mutant carrot, so weird!
2/ My mum bought Polly an e-cigarette, so weird watching her smoke inside!
3/ Ellen Atlanta sported some Iridescent shorts I made!
4/ Experimenting with lipstick, notice the drop dead phone cover (;
5/ Drew all over my hand, pretty?
6/ ~bein all 90's
7/ Friday 13th, scary!
8/ Went antique shopping

Things I loved this week:
1/ Loving Ellie's blog, Ellie's Favourite Things atm!
2/ Got my eyes on this gorgeous hammered sterling silver ring by Ramsi on Etsy!
3/ Please take a look at The Dannie Goodridge Fund, this girl is 15 and extremely ill but cannot afford an operation to make her well again, so sad.

This week has been so hectic.  It was my boyfriends first gig on friday with his band, Wake the Dreamers and they were insane, so pictures to follow.  Obviously as it was Friday 13th some bad stuff has to happen, but I wasn't expecting what was to come.  As the band were playing their intro, one of the guitars cut out and it took a few minutes to sort out, which isn't the best start to a bands first live show, but the set turned out to be amazing and I'm so proud! Next, in the mosh pits for the band some guy broke his collarbone, so an ambulance had to come which was interesting, then as soon as that ambulance left, another pulled up just like a taxi rank! Turns out some other guy managed to sprain his ankle in the pits as well, so tough luck for them, but an achievement for Wake the Dreamers, two injuries at their very first gig, and they got 9th place in ticket sales!

I've also found out some horrible news today regarding family issues, which are going to completely change everything, so I'm pretty upset about it, and I hate being in the position where I can't do anything at all to solve it, I just hope sense is seen and everything gets back to how it was before, but the chances are low, which is killing me.
love amy x

Saturday 14 January 2012

O.G. Loko

250th post! If you read my Christmas list post, you'll know that I got a polaroid camera off my mum for christmas.  I'm really particular with what I take photos of as film is expensive and only comes in 10 packs so I have decided to save it for special occasions, in this situation, the occasion was the Winter Wonderland in hyde park!  I went in late december so a little while ago but better late than never I guess.  The first picture is my stepdad and baby brother, Freddie on the carousel ride, then the second is my and my boyfriend with candyfloss.  Neither us look particularly brilliant but I really like it as a photo (:  

I've been super busy with college work lately and in some subjects I'm getting a little behind which scares me, as it builds up and gets worse and I know it will get to a point where however hard I try I just can't complete it all, so wish me luck with it all in the meantime!
love amy x

Monday 9 January 2012

Ellen Atlanta

The gorgeous Ellen Atlanta placed an order from my shop, Iridescent, a short while ago and was amazing enough to post some pictures of her wearing the shorts she bought! The photos are so great and I was looking forward to seeing some happy customer photos! If you do have any Iridescent appreciation photos please make sure to email them to me!  Lastly, do check out Ellen's blog, I have posted about it in the past and it really is really quality, so be sure to follow her!
love amy x

Sunday 8 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 34

1/Reached 400 blog followers!
2/ G.P.O.Y.
3/Mirror bear in the London Urban Outfitters
4/ Won a giveaway over on Rachael's blog!
5/ Alex's cat all snuggled up, awhh
6/ Sold my first fox tail from Iridescent!
7&8/ Freddie all Banksy-esque

So this week I started college and realised how behind I am with EVERYTHING, and I also have 2 A-Level exams I need to revise for, which isn't actually that bad compared to some people with like 7 haha.  I've been working on another sugar skull photoshoot for my photography (yes it's getting old for me too!) so will show you that when I've finished editing the good ones, but for now, I'm off to attempt college work!
love amy x

Friday 6 January 2012

Reverse this curse

Just wanted to share a couple of photo's I took a short while ago, it's a chandelier from my Nana's house and I was playing around with different modes on my camera.  Today was kinda crap really, for a start it's my ex's birthday and memories of him keep creeping up on me, and I was asked to go and see a model agency after submitting some photos of myself, so I took the train to London to see them.  I got there after a train journey which took the best part of two hours and didn't even get 10 minutes in the agency.  They said that I was 'too commercial looking' and wouldn't suit high fashion, which was what they specialised in and gave me a list of agencies that might be more interested in me.  What I don't get is why they didn't tell me this when I had just submitted my pictures, rather than making me take the day off college when I'm already really behind.  All in all, today's been one big kick to my confidence.  (Sorry for the negative post but I need to let it out somewhere)
love amy x

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Sugar Cookies!

The fact that college starts tomorrow is not an exciting concept.  I today realised that I am so horrifically behind in everything, due to the fact I've been bone idle for the whole of the christmas holidays and I'm paying for it now which really isn't fun.  Anyway, these photos are from the other day when I made butter biscuits/sugar cookies with Polly. They're definitely my favourite biscuits ever and I managed to eat 17 in the space of 2 days, which I think is quite impressive, and (if I do say so myself) my unicorn was pretty epic.
love amy x

Tuesday 3 January 2012

I walk with shadows

It's a little late, but I thought I'd make a post about the makeup that I got for Christmas.  It's basically all benefit but meh.  I'm no ~beauty blogger so I have no idea about terminology etc so here goes:
The first thing is the Legally Bronze Kit which contains the Gilded pencil highlighter, High Beam, BAD LASH in brown and the Hoola bronzing powder.  I'm a huge fan of the Hoola and it's my favourite bronzer, so this was much appreciated, especially as my current one is in appalling condition!  The Second item is the Realness of Concealness kit which is actually so cute! It contains 3 little bottles, with 'Ooh La Lift', 'Lip Plump' and 'High Beam' as well as Lemon Aid and Boi-ing as swatchy things on the right.  Next is the Erase Paste, another concealer which is apparently amazing for getting rid of tired eyes and I'm in desperate need of some concealer so this was a godsend.  After that we have the BAD LASH in black (that I forgot to photograph), which I'll probably use a little more than the brown, and actually I was a little disappointed with this product, as it doesn't really do much for me.  I don't have short lashes, but this just doesn't seem to do much!  Lastly is a MAC lipstick that my dad got me, the colour is A81 Morange, and it's kind of an orangey coral colour, although it looks quite red in photographs.  I never wear lipstick so I'm a little intimidated by it, especially as my lips aren't small! It is a nice colour and I hope to wear lipstick more frequently this year!

Anyway, sorry that was insanely rambly, I'm super tired and, as I said, I suck at makeup terminology! I hope you got the gist anyway, and if you have any further questions about any of the products then feel free to leave a comment or tweet me!
love amy x

Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Just a post to say happy new years to everyone! I went to my friend Darcy's party and it was an awesome night, with a lot of pretty funny photographs to show for it haha. I was absolutely knackered yesterday but I had my first new years kiss and it was a really good start to 2012, so let the good times keep coming!
love amy x

Sunday 1 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 33

1/ Had a costa & Krispy Kreme
2/ Some polaroid photos I've taken
3/ Wore my Black Milk galaxy leggings to the ice rink on Christmas day!
4/ Experimented with lipstick!
5/ Made sugar cookies with Polly
6/ Watched a video of an old school play, Tinkerbell 2k5
7/ My hair looked preeeetty
8/ Put on some Nail Rock wraps!

Things I loved this week:
Loving Olivias blog, That's My Style!
2/ This video summarising 2011 is just amazing!
3/ Love this blouse!

Okay so I am majorly behind on posting despite the fact I've been off college so apologies!  Happy 2012 everyone, hope you all had a good time last night, I went to a party and didn't get to sleep until like 5am and my back is in so much pain as I had to sleep on the floor, so today has not been too fun.  I have some pictures that I'll probably post tomorrow, but for now I'm going to attempt to have an early night!  Oh, and I'm really undecided on the blouse in no. 3 of 'Things I loved this week', it's quite expensive but I really like it, what do you think, yay or nay?
love amy x
© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.