1/ Petting zoo at college, held a lamb! 2/ Fluffy bunny 3/ Reached 500 blog followers
4/ Me & pilot hat I wore for services day at college 5/ Dyed my extensions all pastelly 6/ Charity shop find
7/ Unicorn hair braid 8/ Toast! 9/ Outfit
10/ Nice cup of tea 11/ Little bowl of strawberries 12/ Ready to pass my driving test soon!
13/ Neon nails under UV light, so bright! 14/ Editing outfit pictures (will post tomorrow) 15/ Penalty fare, waaah
This week at college was rag week, which is where there is a set theme for every day of the week and you dress up every day. Monday was animal day, and there was a petting zoo in college which was awesome, then Tuesday was services day, so I dressed up as a pilot with the hat I bought at Reading Festival last year. Wednesday was 'When I grow up' and I couldn't be bothered to dress up, Thursday was 1st years (red) VS 2nd years (blue), so I dressed up in red! Lastly, Friday was school uniform day so I dusted off the old blazer and wore it to college! The week was really fun and was all for charity which I really liked.
On a different note, I took some outfit photos on saturday which I'll post tomorrow, featuring a gorgeous top from Sugarlips Apparel, so stay tuned!
love amy x