Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Just thought I'd share a few pictures from tonight.  They're not the best I've ever taken, mostly down to the bad lighting as it's getting so dark so early!  We had a ton of trick or treaters at our house, getting through over 100 pieces of candy, having to buy a load more emergency lollies as we ran out so early!  My baby brother, Freddie was dressed up as a gorilla (the hat didn't stay on long!) and mum dressed up a bit to answer the door.  The house was all decorated and yet we still got an egg thrown at our door! I thought it was pretty rude considering we went to all the effort!
love amy x

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Sunday Summary Week 24

1/ Freddie having a little packed lunch in front of the TV on his own, aww!
2/ Me at Alex's, looking scene apparently
3/ Amazing hot chocolate at Wagamamas
4/ Mean ticket man gave me a penalty warning -.-
5/ Provisional license arrived!
6/ Alex with a footlong subway, cutie
7/ Tried a screme egg, the yolk just looks like snot, eeew
8/ Alex's dog, Paddy all snuggled up in a duvet, awwwh

Things I loved this week:
My friend Polly recently started up a blog, check it here! I did her layout (;
2/ These eye opening pokemon conspiracies, so crazy! (yes I'm a pokénerd)
3/ This song by Attila, featuring screamo rap!

This half term has been average, gonna be honest, especially at the start, however I managed to make more plans in the last few days with my friends, so it eventually turned up.  Today was mine and Alex's 6 months, which was cute, it's gone so fast! I just carved my pumpkin for tomorrow which I'll try to upload a good picture of tomorrow.  For now I'm just going to attempt to catch up on the huge amount of college work I didn't do!
love amy x

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

I wish that I could just make up my mind

This saturday just gone I popped into London for the day with my friend, Melina.  We'd heard about the American Apparel Flea Market and figured it would be a good day out.  After missing 4/5 trains (I know, I know) we eventually got to London and went to Camden first with the sole intention of getting some bang bang chicken.  For those of you who have never had bang bang chicken, you haven't lived. Next time you're in Camden, walk up from the tube station towards the Lock, and when you get to All Saints, turn right where there are a load of food stalls.  The first one you come to there will be a guy with a low, buzzy voice who will call you 'bruv' and throw chicken in your face.  TAKE THE CHICKEN AND EXPERIENCE HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Anyway, after looking around the market for a while we faffed about on the tube, eventually getting to Liverpool Street and spent another half hour dawdling around trying to find brick lane, where the flea market was.  We got caught up in a few shops along the way, like Urban Outfitters, Whistles, a load of vintage stores, the Lomography store, and a shoe shop where I came sooo close to buying some creepers for £85, so glad I didn't now, as I found some on eBay for £60 which I'm debating about buying!

After getting distracted to no end we found the Flea Market and as it was quite late (7/8pm) there were hardly any queues, took us 10 mins at the most to get in, and it was quite empty inside, so there was no frantic buying rush.  I ended up buying two things which I'll post about when I can get hold of them (stupidly left them at my Dads house).  The market was pretty good, although the reductions weren't THAT good, the items were average and there weren't even any socks, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to go; plus looooads of the stock is damaged, so if you're going, make sure you check each item thoroughly, because you don't want to spend £20 on a nice blouse, if you're going to get home with a mighty big burn hole on the back (which nearly happened to my friend!).

All in all, it was a good day and I'm happy with my purchases, and that I didn't actually spend as much as I thought I would, I even got away with a childs ticket(;  I'll post about my purchases when I can!
love amy x

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Graze Box 001

So the other week I signed up for Graze boxes and so far I loooove them!  For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Graze, It's a little weekly box packed with 4 different boxes of healthy but yummy snacks, to prevent you constantly binging on crisps and chocolate!  I thought I'd do a little review of what I got, so if you're interested, read on!

1: Natural Vanilla Seeds
I was actually pretty surprised at how these tasted! I expected them to be like normal seeds with a vanilla undertone/aftertaste but they're actually really sweet.  I wouldn't recommend eating them all in one sitting as they get sickly very quickly but other wise they're totally yummy.

2: Cheddar Gorge
This was probably my favourite snack in the box.  I'm already a fan of cheese, and the little mix in this box was awesome, the taste wasn't mild at all, absolutely perfect, and I'm definitely adding this to my love list!

3: Rustic Marble Bread
Graze do a few of these breads, and I love them as they're cooked fresh for your box, and you can really taste it.  I wouldn't normally choose something like this to eat, but it turned out that I really liked it, that's the great thing about Graze boxes, you get to try new stuff!

4: Beach Bum
This snack has a mix of dried coconut, mango and banana and it was alright, although the mango was super chewy.  I don't really like mango in the first place, so didn't find it too enjoyable, plus the banana coins were different than how I've had them before, so this was probably my least favourite box in the pack, nevertheless I still ate it all!

If you're interested in Graze, just click here and you can get your first box completely free and your second half price!  I would definitely recommend it, even for a few weeks, as it's just £3.49 for 1 box! If you liked this post please let me know, and I'll be sure to review my future boxes I receive!
love amy x

Monday, 24 October 2011

Sunday Summary Week 23

1/ iPhone 4S arrived (wrong colour though, changing it!)
2/ Freddie, is there ever a week without him??
3/ Chilling in my bed watching Pretty Little Liars
4/ Passing loads of mock theory tests, think I'm ready to take the proper one!
5/ What I'd look like with a full fringe, think I'm going to stick to the side fringe!
6/ The boyf's little sister Lottie, she's a cutie!

Things I loved this week:
1/ Polly's blog, she's a textiles student and creates some awesome stuff!
2/ Like Lions Do - Right Away, Great Captain! Listen here.
3/ This incredible gallery of macro shots of eyes!

Yes it's a day late, my bad! I was at the boyfriends house last night so didn't have prolonged access to a computer, so I'm posting it now I'm at my mums house.  I had my hair done this morning, nothing drastic, just had my roots done, they were getting pretty bad!

I signed up to receive Graze boxes the other day and it arrived and I love them! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Graze, it's a little box that costs only £3.49 with 4 different kinds of healthy snacks, so that you aren't stuck getting fat because you're constantly munching on chocolate and crisps! If you want your first and fifth box free, all you have to do is use this code (XR3FMB9) when the option is given on the home page, I'll be doing a post on what I got real soon!

Lastly, my giveaway ends tomorrow, make sure you've entered!
love amy x

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday Summary Week 22

1/ Had a domino's pizza for dinner, nom
2/ Edited pink hair on, so tempted to dye it!
3/ Freddie having a bath, awhh
4/ Painted my nails all ice-creamy
5/ 100 e-mails?!
6/ Had a Yog frozen yoghurt.  Expensive but so good!
7/ Freddie with his hood up, hahaha
8/ Car got pwned with post-its
9/ Made a load of jewellery envelopes for Iridescent

Things I loved this week:
Love Philip's blog, Plastic Shutters, his photography is so awesome!
2/ This hilarious scared baby video
3/ Playing RainyMood behind music, sounds so good!

I think I'm coming down with a temperature or something, cause I woke up really early on Saturday morning with a banging headache and boiling hot, then I keep having hot and cold flushes, not cool!  However, I still went to a party (not the best decision I've ever made) but I still had a great time, now I'm all snuggled in my bed in my onesie with a cup of tea. How has your weekend been? (:
love amy x

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Taste Of Regret

Top: Pull & Bear
Skirt: Zara
Jacket: Drop Dead
Socks: Primark
Mary Janes: Office

As the weather has been so nice today I thought I'd have a little change from taking pictures against my wardrobe and venture into my garden.  The pictures are pretty shoddy, with me squinting in a load of them as the sun was in my eyes, but I figured I'd use them anyway.  I woke up this morning feeling really crappy, with a banging headache and boiling hot, so I think I'm coming down with a temperature or something.  My jaw was also completely locked, I could only open it a tiny bit and I actually got pretty worried!  Thankfully it eased off and is fine now, but at the time I thought I'd have to book an emergency doctors appointment or something!
love amy x

Thursday, 13 October 2011

You'll reap what you sow

Just a quick post with a few pictures I took on the disposable cameras I took to Reading festival but never uploaded.  I love how they all came out, especially the random light leak on the last image!  I don't really have much to say so I won't bore you with my rambling!  Just to confirm though, that I have now stopped posting wednesday wants.  I just got bored and ran out of things to want really! I will still do the post if I find something I want to feature, but for the moment I've already got enough on my plate so I'll be taking a break for a while, but I'll still be posting Sunday Summaries, don't worry!  Now I need to go wash my hair as I didn't wash the shampoo out last night (feels all sticky and horrible!) and don't forget to enter my anklet giveaway which ends in just over a week HERE.
love amy x
© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.