Monday 28 November 2011

If I had any heart left, I'd give it all to you

Yeah the pictures aren't the best quality as they're from facebook, but I went to an 18th birthday party on saturday night and it was really great so wanted to share with you guys!  They hired a bouncy castle, got a marquee, made punch, and even had party bags (filled with false moustaches, bubbles and vodka!).  There were a few disposeable cameras dotted around for us to take pictures, and they turned out really good, some being pretty funny.  As you can see in the first picture, I wore my (horrendously tall!) new shoes, which I'll make a post about tomorrow, so was nearly taller than my boyfriend! I drank a little bit too much, so didn't have the best sunday morning, never mix your drinks people!  To top it off I'm pretty sure I have tonsillitis again, which is annoying as I only just recovered from it like last week, ah well, wish me well in my recovery );
love amy x

Sunday 27 November 2011

Sunday Summary Week 28

1/ Got a white iPhone 4S!!
2/ Hipstamatic breakfast (because I can)
3/ Packaged up two orders from the shop
4/ My baby bro & stepdad going to the park, look so cute in matching coats!
5/ Pretty shadows
6/ Freddie eating his dinner in front of the tv, cutie
7/ Made a skirt from an old dress, didn't allow for the seam so pretty short >.<
8/ Fed my hangover from saturday with a hot roast roll nom nom
9/ Made up some shorts which will be on their way to Barcelona tomorrow!

Things I loved this week:
1/ Katie Eleanors blog, 'Katie & the Mimzy', theres some beautiful photography on there
2/ This funny (yet a little racist) video of a little girl!
3/ Little White Lies - Deaf Havana (listen here)

This week has been pretty great if I do say so myself.  I got a new phone, got a ton of work done, sent off some shop orders and went to a party saturday night, which was really fun until I woke up in the morning with a banging hangover, but it happens!  I went driving around for a bit today, in both an automatic Fiat 500 and my mums diesel Jaguar estate which was pretty scary as the engine is so powerful.  People were giving us pretty funny looks though, all thinking, 'she's learning in a jaguar, wth?!' but altogether I still suck at driving, so need a lot more practise!  I've been a little emotional today for some reason, and my heads in a bit of a bad place but that might be down to my hangover/lack of sleep/hormones so hope I feel better in the morning!
love amy x

Friday 25 November 2011

Youth in Retrospect

1/ Topshop
2/ Topshop
3/ Levi
4/ Levi
5/ Topshop
7/ Primark
8/ Paul Smith (Diy'd by me)
9/ Zara
10/ Topshop

A pretty random post I know, but I hate going a few days without posting! I took these pictures a little while back and been waiting to post them so here you go. I honestly have soooo much on my plate at the moment due to college, so I my blog may suffer a little, but I'll try my best to keep up! I can't wait until I've done a year of sunday summaries, then I can stop and my blog will just be quality posts, if a little less frequent! I only really have a few months until my blog is 1, and I'm at 370 GFC followers so thank you so much guys, it means so much to me that people actually take an interest in my little blog!

I thought it was a little bit of a random post, but a few people said that they'd be interested in seeing my many pairs of shorts haha. So what do you think of my little collection, which is your favourite pair? (:
love amy x

Monday 21 November 2011

Wishlist: Sabo Skirt

After discovering the Sabo Skirt website a little while back I just had to make a post about them!  Their stuff is just beautiful, and they do a range of clothing, from beautiful dresses to gorgeous flowy skirts, to perfectly destroyed denim shorts.  If I had the money I would honestly buy everything they sell! Unfortunately for me, the bank isn't too happy at the moment! As always just click on each image to go to the listing, what do you guys think of Sabo Skirt?
love amy x

Sunday 20 November 2011

Sunday Summary Week 27

1/ Graze box!
2/ Freddie fascinated by the fish at the doctors office.
3/ Went to see A Day To Remember in London!
4/ Bought some INCREDIBLE shoes from Urban Outfitters, more about them in a future post!
5/ Giant lego Buzz Lightyear in Harrods.
6/ Redesigned the front page for IRIDESCENT!

Things I Loved This Week:
1/ Mollie's blog, Musicandmollie, she makes some real cute, quality posts!
2/ This page dedicated to unusual buildings, pretty cool!
3/ I Will Try - Deaf Havana (Listen here)

This weekend has been just awesome! On friday I went to see my favourite band, A Day To Remember at the HMV Forum in London and they were so good.  Halfway through the show they brought out a huge beach ball and the frontman got inside and rolled over the crowd, so cool!  That night me and my boyfriend stayed at a HOTEL(!!!) in Trafalgar Square and the next day was Alex (my boyfriend)'s birthday so I gave him his presents that he was absolutely over the moon with.  I got him an OBEY snapback hat and a sweatshirt from Mercy & Hope (here) and he wore both items the next day.  We woke up at around 9ish on Saturday morning and went for breakfast in a Costa then had a shop around Covent Garden.  Alex bought some new Vans and nearly some Cheap Monday jeans from Urban Outfitters and I got some SUPER AMAZING new shoes, but that's another post for another day!  We then got the tube to Knightsbridge where we had a meal with his parents and had a mooch around Harrods afterwards, going straight to the Toy Kingdom which was pretty cool, apart from all the workers were so snooty and looking down on us because we're teenagers, which was pretty intimidating and rude really.  We got the train back home at the end of the day and I went back to my house and Alex went out to town for a pub crawl with his friends and I'm sure he got pretty drunk.  I couldn't go because I'm still 17 and I'm pretty sure he just wanted his 'lad' friends there with him.

Today has been pretty boring now I think about it. When I woke up I got a head rush, next thing I know I'm sprawled out on the floor having passed out and banged my head on the corner of my shower, which was really weird, and I still can't believe it actually happened!  Then at 4:30 I had my first driving lesson which was pretty nerve-racking.  I've never driven before so it was all new to me, and not gonna lie, I did stall quite a lot!  It was also dark outside so that didn't really help but I learned a lot and I'm looking forward to future lessons!

Kudos if you read all that, happy Sunday!
love amy x

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Giveaway: $15 Gift certificate to Hobbies From The Heart!

The ever so kind Mari has offered you guys the opportunity to win a $15 gift voucher from her little Etsy shop, Hobbies From The Heart.  All of the above which I received is a ton of samples which would cost a lot less than $15 so it will definitely stretch! The items are all excellent quality and one of a kind, as well as being great value for money.

All you have to do to enter is:
1/ Be a follower of this blog via GFC or Bloglovin'
2/ Like the Hobbies From The Heart Facebook page here!
3/ Leave a comment saying 'enter me' with you e-mail address.

Extra entries (MUST leave a separate comment for each):
1/ Follow the Hobbies From The Heart blog.
2/ Follow the Hobbies From The Heart Twitter
3/ Heart the Hobbies From The Heart Shop
4/ Heart your favourite item in the Hobbies From The Heart Shop
5/ Tweet about the giveaway saying: "@amyvalentinex is holding a great giveaway on her blog!"

The giveaway will end in 10 days, so the 26th November! Best of luck everyone!
love amy x

Monday 14 November 2011

Sugar Skull

I woke up this morning feeling terrible, I'm pretty sure I do have tonsillitis, as I looked up the symptoms and I'm almost a complete match.  I've booked a doctors appointment for later so I can find out for sure and took the day off college.  I didn't really want to because I have 100% attendance, and I really hate missing lessons and catching up, but I got up and didn't even have the energy to get dressed so have just been resting all day.  Hopefully I'll be better before Friday though, because I'm going to see A Day To Remember in London and they're one of my favourite bands!

I took these photos for my photography assignment.  The brief is 'people' and after seeing a ton of sugar skull pictures at halloween I wanted to try it for myself and I'm really happy with how the images turned out.  They were all edited on photoshop, using the curves function. I don't really know how it works yet, but I had a play around and it turned out alright.  I am, however, getting a little tired of having just me in the pictures, mostly because working with a tripod is difficult, especially as mine is so temperamental! I'd like to work more with models, but my teacher gives us such short deadlines that I don't have time for it which is a shame.  Anyway, what do you think? (:
love amy x

Sunday 13 November 2011

Sunday Summary Week 26

1/ Got a bit adventurous with the nails.  The colour doesn't photograph well but it's coraly pink
2/ Freddie helping himself to Pringles
3/ Made a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11 !
4/ Drew a little dreamcatcher on my wrist, thought it was cute!
5/ Alex in my pink pajama bottoms and fluffy socks hahaha
6/ My Asking Alexandria tickets arrived!
7/ Human poppy my college did on remembrance day

Things I loved this week:
1/ The Crown & Glory blog, especially her '30 for November' feature, where she adds a new product to her shop every day!
2/ Love Parker Fitzgerald's Flickr! (here)
3/ Take One Last Breath - Abandon All Ships (Listen here)

If you're a follower of my twitter you'll know that the students of my college all went to the field on remembrance day and formed a giant human poppy in honor of the fallen soldiers of WWI.  Us students were given red pieces of paper, the teachers black and we had the army come in to be the green.  Unfortunately the weather was too misty so the helicopter couldn't fly over to have an aerial shot which is quite disappointing,  but it's the thought that counts I guess!

Yesterday I filmed my day for 'Britain in a day' and cannot wait 'till they make it! I have yet to submit my videos but I really loved Life in a Day, and I could even be on TV! If you haven't seen Life in a day already I strongly recommend it, it's so moving and beautiful.

On a less positive note, I woke up this morning feeling absolutely awful.  I think I may have tonsillitis as my throat is killing me and I looked up the symptoms on the internet and there's a match.  However, I'm always assuming the worst with illnesses and stuff, so I'll just pop into the nurse at college tomorrow and see what it is, as my college attendance is 100% and I want to keep it that way, I can't stand missing lessons as there's always so much work to catch up on!
love amy x
ps. This is my 26th sunday summary of 52, so I'm half way to a year!

Monday 7 November 2011

Like Lions Do

I've been really busy with photography coursework lately, and just thought I'd share some of my work with you guys! The topic is 'objects' and my inspiration has been taken from both Frederic Lebain and Lissy Elle, I love her work so much!  The pictures were a little difficult to take, especially the levitation ones, which also took ages to edit!  My photoshop skills are still at rookie level, as I've only just been taught to use it, but I'm happy with how my photos turned out! What do you guys think? (:
love amy x

Sunday 6 November 2011

Sunday Summary Week 25

1/ Saw a dying butterfly, pretty depressing actually ):
2/ Cute quote in a galaxy wrapper
3/ The sink after I used powder dye, so pretty!
4/ I braided my entire head (can't really see it too well in the photo)
5/ Had my own personal firework show at my window, win!
7/ New rings coming to the shop!
8/ Went to a proper fireworks show, was really nice (:

Things I loved this week:
Really loving Leonie's blog, ENDLESS SPRING
2/ This blog with a ton of free downloadable photoshop curves, they're really great!
3/ 9 Crimes - Damien Rice (listen here)

This week has gone pretty quickly in my opinion and I'm knackered from this weekend.  I went to see fireworks in Farnham then a party afterwards which was really fun, although I was knackered this morning as I had a terrible nights sleep.  My first A-Level photography project is due in tomorrow so I've done like 3 photoshoots today as my teacher made me re-do my whole book, I was so annoyed when I found out but I'm actually really happy with some of the photos turned out.  I'll definitely post the photos some days this week!
love amy x
© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.