Tuesday 31 May 2011

A-Z On Me!

Age: 16
Bed Size: double :D
Chores you hate: hoovering, nappy changing and bathroom cleaning
Dogs: I've got a puppy called Mu Mu (I didn't pick the name, I hate it!)

Essential Start to your day: Weetabix mini's Chocolate Crisp!
Favourite Colour: Don't really have one!
Gold or Silver: Depends on the outfit
Height: 5'10" ish? tall!
Instruments I play: I used to play the violin (quit) then the saxaphone (quit) now piano
Job Title: Soon to be entrepreneur!
Kids: Definitely when I'm older, I want a boy first then perhaps another, then a girl (:
Live: Reading/Fleet
Mum's Name: Nicky
Nickname: Don't really have one, you can't do much with Amy!
One wish:  I wish I had the superpower to pause time
Pet Peeve: Little girls in high heels and girls who act and dress older than they are
Quote from a Movie: "SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE" - Mean Girls
Right or Left handed: RightSiblings: 3 younger brothers(!)
Time you wake up: School 6:50 Weekends any time
Underwear: Pretty things eg. Amourouse
Vegetables you dislike: Most of them haha
What makes you run late?: Oversleeping, too much time getting ready, losing something
X-Rays you've had done: Whole body MRI (back problems)
Yummy food you make: Baking & I make a great carbonara!
Zoo animals: SLOTHS!
love amy x


It was a couple of my friend's birthdays the other week and my favourite thing to do is make little party bag things with a few small gifts, instead of one thing.  I decided to go with a £10 Outfit gift voucher, a bracelet I made each and some lush bath bombs shown above.  Lush is literally one of my favourite shops, they do such amazing bath bombs and soaps and you can smell the store miles off!  I'm even thinking of applying for a job there if it means I can smell that good 24/7!

Oh, I saw The Hangover II on sunday evening, a little disappointing but I guess there's not much you can do when you're basically making the same movie all over again.  I've also been downloading as many albums possible lately in order to 'get into' a load of the bands playing at Reading Festival this year, as I don't know a lot of the bands playing, so want to know the music for when I'm there.  I'm really liking Architects and Crystal Fighters as well as Emarosa (even though they aren't actually playing).

I guess you could call this a 'filler' post if you wish, as I don't really have much going on at the moment, nothing interesting to share with you guys.  Normally I'm against these things but a filler post is better than no post at all right?

love amy x

Sunday 29 May 2011

Sunday summary week 3

1/ Brother asleep in the car, hahaha
2/ Experimenting with watercolours, a proper post coming soon!
3/ Goats cheese on toast, my favourite lunch EVER
4/ Pretty sky
5/ Revision, obviously
6/ I love u graffiti + hipstamatic
7/ Freddie eating things as usual
8/ So addicted to the 'Words with friends' app, had some funny words too hahaha

Had a pretty hectic day today as it was Freddie's christening which was pretty long.  Then after we had to do the whole boring adult party where Nana is constantly nagging at you to put out food, clear up glasses and all that.  Did not help that I was knackered and was wearing 5 inch wedges!  I wish I'd taken an outfit post as it's not often that I dress up but I didn't get the opportunity, soz!
love amy x

Thursday 26 May 2011


Yes the moment is finally here!  I have finally got round to making a mini business!  It isn't going to be permanent, only temporary for when I start my proper business with business partners and all that.  It's all priced pretty cheap so check it out!  Also, you may notice that some of the items were featured in my giveaway that's just gone so if you missed out on that there's still a chance to buy, just click HERE for the website.  What does everyone think?

Also, it would be much appreciated if people were to use my logo button in their sidebars to just help out with advertising and visitors.  Let me know if you decide to feature it and I will feature your button if you would like!  It's 180 pixels wide so should fit snugly in most sidebars. The code is below:

love amy x

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Outfit of the day 21/05/11

Your Eyes Lie (£5 in Clothes Show Live sale)
Shorts: £15 Zara
Black thigh socks: £3 Primark
Boots: £11 Primark
Bag: £34.99 River Island
Scarf (on bag): Nana's
Headphones: Skullcandy (Bday present from bro)
Necklace: Made by me
Rings: Galibardy & Camden market
A while ago I put a poll on my blog asking readers what they would like to see more of on my blog.  You rated outfit posts the highest so here you go, I finally did one!  Technically it's not really my outfit of the day as these photos were actually taken just before I was about to go out on saturday, so this should really be an 'outfit of the (satur)day' but ya'know.

This top was originally tiny on me because the sleeves were really tight and I didn't think it looked completely right with awkward three-quarter length sleeves so I cut them off to make a drop arm tank, like the ones I've seen in Topshop lately and it looks a lot better.  I have a feeling there will be a lot more outfit posts in the summer as I will be out more, therefore there will be more pictures, thus more outfit posts so look forward to them!
love amy x

Monday 23 May 2011

So Far From Home

If you have been a reader for a while you will know that I really like metal/alternative etc music and Alex introduced me to this band, Architects.  I got their album and a lot of their music is quite heavy so not for the faint of ear (hehe) but this song is so good, it starts off kinda depressing and slow but then transitions into a heavy bit with screaming.  I know it's not really for everyone but I get goosebumps when I listen, It's amazing (:
love amy x
PS: I have an outfit post for you guys tomorrow!

Sunday 22 May 2011

sunday summary week 2

1/ Pretty Flags?
2/ Watching Desperate Housewives and paused - oh how I laughed
3/ Freddie helping me with re-postering my room..
4/ Sleepy Freddie
5/ Considering buying this top HERE
6/ Train station sunset - I spend waaay to much time travelling

I've decided I quite liked this last week so carrying it on, again for the millionth time, sorry for lack of quality posts! I promise to make up for it in the summer (:

love amy x


Some of you may know that I previously ran a little jewellery business.  I did pretty well out of it and it was fun, but it just got boring, as I was making jewellery that was a different taste to mine and I didn't enjoy it as much.  Fortunately, I am starting another business!  The name is to be confirmed, but it will be pretty cool, and it will be more my style etc.  I've already got some stock in, and have for a while now but I'm waiting until summer to start work properly.  The collection will include semi precious stones such as quartz and citrine as well as a load of turquoise and crucifixes and everything.  I'm pretty pumped about it, and it won't be just jewellery either!  I'm going to be working alongside two other people and we are going to make T-shirts, tanks maybe hoodies and special customised vintage shorts made be me (: I can't wait!
love amy x

Friday 20 May 2011

Formal Day

I know this is actually super late, like over a week maybe, but here are the photo's from my very last day at school before study leave.  We had to dress 'formal' so no silly costumes I'm afraid!  As we are all maturing young adults progressing to a very important stage in our lives the teachers got us a special present, a bouncy castle!  It's a shame it was a really cloudy day, with rain and everything, but it was still really lovely.  We all had a little buffet outside on the grass with the teachers all in their teachery bit doing teachery things...whatever.

Anyway, the GCSE's have finally hit!  I thought I would be really serious about everything considering these exams can potentially determine my future, but I'm not that fussed, it's almost like I don't actually care.  Obviously I do, and I've been revising so hard, and when I'm at school and on days with exams I stress out so bad, but when I'm at home, things just don't really seem to process.

I don't really know what's going on with me at the moment, I sometimes get really down, for no reason whatsoever and just feel like crying (I don't though, don't worry!)  I don't know why, I don't have anything to be sad about, but I still often get blue.  I'm not sure if it's just the stress of exams or the medication I'm on, but hopefully it'll stop soon!
love amy x

Sunday 15 May 2011

sunday summary week 1

1/ revision revision revision...
2/ Last bus journey home as a proper year 11!
3/ Moved my 'floordrobe' to my bed, looks worse in real life!
4/ Sneak peek of my prom dress!
5/ Got a little addicted to the 'Flood it' app on my iPhone
6/ Alex got frustrated when trying to beat a high score on the ipad (he beat me eventually -.- )
7/ My friend Hannah got bored with revising and scanned her face
8/ 14 people on my tumblr at once! 

This is my first 'Sunday Summary'.  I'm not sure if I'll be carrying it on due to exams at the moment but I've seen this type of thing on quite a few blogs and thought I'd give it a try, so there you go!
love amy x

Granny Hill!

Sorry about the late post!  I did promise it yesterday but I was mega busy finishing off art coursework so never got round to it.  Here are a few pictures from our 'granny hill' themed day at school.  It is a pretty unconventional theme, but it was still pretty funny watching 16 year old girls hobble around like lunatics. the name comes from the name of our school, as it's called Farnborough Hill, but people call it 'fanny hill' because it's shorter to say and is an all girls school-makes sense in a crude way I guess, but that's why 'granny' is a pun.  I actually started study leave today, but I will still be going into school as I am completely incapable of concentrating on revision at home, at least at school I can properly get to work.

May make a post of the formal day we had today sometime this week, as well as another photography-ish post and possibly a fashion post so stay tuned!
love amy x

Saturday 14 May 2011

Giveaway Winner!

So my giveaway has finally come to an end!  Sorry it's a little late in the evening but I've been procrastinating all day, oops.  Anyway, if you couldn't read the name in the video, congratulations to Jenny Doyle, You've won all of the amazing goodies and I have emailed you to notify you and will need your address please! If the winner does not reply within 2 weeks I will have to draw another winner, sorry!

You have no idea how long it took to write all the little pieces of paper, I had to chase down every blogger comment as well as tweets, other blogs and tumblr so took a little while, as I wanted to make sure that everyone who entered was included. Also, apologies I'm so awkward in the video haha, I'm not good with videos! EDIT: I also just realised that for some reason the video's audio is out of sync and the  video is double the original speed...weird.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who supported my blog and this giveaway.  Don't lose hope in me though!  I will be doing more in the future so maybe your lucky time will come! (:
love amy x

Friday 13 May 2011

Stand Up and Scream

Cross ring: Ebay (don't have a listing sorry)
Back to the Future tee: Primark (mens section!)
So as you can see, I have been insanely bored, to the point where I actually don't know what to do with myself.  I am at the stage where I have so much to do yet I haven't a care in the world, it's like i'm in my own dreamland, even though I really need to get my head down and actually start revising, or I'll regret it big time!

These photos were out of pure boredom, somewhat inspired by all of the ~hipster photography on tumblr I constantly see.  Just to clarify, I have not yet dyed my hair platinum blonde, I just tied my hair up and clipped in my ratty old extentions, for the sake of a photo haha.  I will actually be going blonde soon though, probably before reading festival/college but in the meantime I'm desperately trying to grow my hair as long as possible!

Lastly, who else is freaking out today??  I'm really superstitious and Friday 13th's are the absolute worst for me, I've already had a bit of a bad day, considering my best friend is annoyed at me, as well as my dad AND I'm not allowed to go to my friends house for a sleepover tonight which I'm annoyed about, though it doesn't seem like a big deal.  I also got a text from my ex boyfriends mum that I used to get along so well with saying that she missed me which also got me a little down. Oh wellll.
love amy x
ps. Today is the last day to enter my GIVEAWAY!

Monday 9 May 2011

Last Days

Major apologies for the neglect of my blog lately! I have practically no spare time on my hands and I hate filler posts which just annoy me.  Finally here is a half decent post that I put together real quick, I should be doing my art right now but I'm reeaally not in the mood.

Today was the first of two muck up days we get as year 11, as we go on study leave on thursday.  It's tradition that we have a day of 'jazzed up' uniform where we sign shirts and paint our Doc Marten shoes (it's compulsory to wear them at my school -.-).  I painted mine white with union jacks on the front, which you can see from the second to last picture.  Unfortunately I had to spend the whole day in the art rooms because I have a 10 hour art exam which carries on tomorrow, where the theme is 'granny hill' so it should be pretty funny watching my friends all dressed up as old people painting canvases!

I may post tomorrow if I have any quality pictures, which I probably will haha.  Oh, and is anyone else getting a bit bored of Tumblr? I've had it for a while now with a quite a significant amount of followers but it's getting repetitive and same-old-same-old, guess it's just because I have a lot on my plate at the moment with all these GCSE's!
love amy x
© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.