Monday, 31 December 2012


Dino tee* // Love Clothing
Leather stud skirt* // Motel Rocks @ Love Clothing
Necklace // n/a
Socks // Topshop
Spike Lita's // Jeffrey Campbell
Earrings // Primark
Rings // Rachael Sudlow, market, Lumafina, Love Clothing*, vintage

I received a package from Love Clothing not so long ago and if you saw my #SWBXmas post you'll notice it's the same outfit I wore to that, I didn't have the intention of wearing everything together but I tried it all on when I received it all and they actually go pretty well with each other in my opinion!

I took these photos on my new camera but am actually pretty disappointed with them, they're a lot darker than I expected, but I'm unsure as to whether it's all down to the camera or because it was quite a dark day, either way hopefully they'll improve in the future!

I'll try take some pictures of my new years outfit, but I'll probably be wearing the Lashes of London dress I posted here as the theme is black & gold, happy new years eve all of you, have a good time and don't do anything stupid!
love amy x

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Sunday Summary Week 85

instagram // amyvalentinex
1/ Love my xmas jumper   2/ Lens mug & new camera
3/ Creepy baby art in my room..wah   4/ Working hectic sale days
5/ Me & boyfriend   6/ One of the christmas pressies from Alex (:
7/ Made vodka gummy bears   8/ Got drunk on aforementioned gummy bears at party
9/ eLCy dress arrived!   10/ Made milkshakes - brought boys to yard

Can't believe it's new years eve tomorrow ( - late post again sorry!).  I can't believe how fast the christmas period has gone, but I am bloody glad I don't have to work the hectic sales anymore!  I work in retail and on boxing day we opened at 6, and apparently the first person to start queuing arrived at 2am..ridiculous!!  Anyway, I need sleep, have a long day of getting ready ahead of me tomorrow!

love amy x

Friday, 28 December 2012

What's in my bag?

Bag* // Marc B
I can't consider myself a true blogger until I create a 'what's in my bag' post for you guys and I recently received this gorgeous Marc B bag and thought it would be a perfect time to do it!  I've included some of my essentials, and emptied out the unsightly things that are usually in there, ie. old receipts and wrappers!

Bag // I can't handle bags that have the small handles as they're just too awkward to hold so I stick to rucksacks and shoulder bags, so this fits the bill perfectly, and also has a ton of inside pockets so I don't lose important things (like my phone) in the depths of the general bag-ness

Butterscotch sweets // Similar to Werthers originals, I was given this free sample of sweeties at the clothes show live and they're so delicious, so had to include them!

Antibac hand gel // Especially if I'm going to London I can't leave this behind, I'm a bit of a germ freak when it comes to the London Underground!

Purse // I received this lovely LV purse for christmas from my mum, replacing my old one which has really gone past its prime!  My old one was pretty dark so it's nice to have a change with a bright red, and it's a lot easier to find in a bag!

Phone // Obviously I freak out if I don't have my phone, how will I instagram what I ate for lunch?! (sarcasm..).  I got this Drop Dead case for christmas last year and it's still going strong!

Gum // For smelly breath situations, obv

Lomo camera // It's nice to take my Diana mini out for the day sometimes, it's just a shame the film is so expensive and the development process is so long!

Solar Oil // It's always good to keep cuticle's healthy, especially when winter is so drying to the skin

Rings // There's always some rings floating around in my bag, I take them off and forget about them!

Lipstick // I'll usually take whatever lipstick I'm wearing on the day, in this instance I have the Dali lipstick I reviewed not so long ago!

Dry Shampoo // For that rogue third day hair

Lipgloss // Got this Models Own lipgloss in a bundle at the clothes show live, always useful for a bit of brightness

Vaseline // Okay I think it's clear that I carry around too much lip product!  This pink tinted vaseline adds a touch of colour to your lips and will help you through the winter!

Moleskine // I've had this moleskine for a good long while now, and it's so nice going back and looking through it, I'll share some more pages soon, as I have created a lot more in it since my last update.
love amy x

Thursday, 27 December 2012


Space tee* // OASAP
Shoulder bag* // Marc b
Shorts // Vintage Levi's
Snake ear cuff* // AOKO NY
Necklace // Regal Rose
Boots // TK Maxx
Live Fast bracelet // Drop Dead
Lipstick // Lime Crime D'Lilac
Rings // Rachel Sudlow, market, Lumafina, AOKO NY*, vintage

I think although the main focus of this outfit may be the galaxy tee, you can't deny the adorable cat ring some credit!  I haven't taken it off since I received it and have received floods of compliments.  It's from a brand new online store, AOKO NY which is totally rad so would definitely recommend having a browse of their site!

As I have the crappiest job ever I have to work literally every day this week apart from christmas day, and I know if they could they would make me work then too!  I have a 8am start tomorrow (I know right, kill me now) but thankfully, I don't have to work new years eve or new years day, or even the day after that, so I have plenty of time to recover!
love amy x

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

 Okay so I can definitely say that this has been the weirdest end to a christmas day ever.  I had a brilliant day, got a gorgeous new camera, the Nikon D3200 from my dad as a joint 18th birthday present and christmas present as well as a camera lens mug, a naff christmas jumper from my brother, a super soft hoodie from my dads girlfriend, some new foundation and a bunch of sweets and bath stuff, typical girl things!

Anyway, getting onto what just happened!  I was driving along to my boyfriends house when all of a sudden a deer jumps into the road so naturally I panic and swerve (the thing you are NOT supposed to do..EVER) and went right into a sign in the middle of the dual carriageway, like 100 yards from my house.  Thankfully as I was so close to home my dad came out straight away, and I wasn't harmed but there is a significant amount of damage to the bottom of the front of my car and we think the underside is damaged and there's a bit of a leak, so I'm going to have it checked out so lets just hope my poor baby will be okay ):
love amy x
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