Monday, 9 May 2011

Last Days

Major apologies for the neglect of my blog lately! I have practically no spare time on my hands and I hate filler posts which just annoy me.  Finally here is a half decent post that I put together real quick, I should be doing my art right now but I'm reeaally not in the mood.

Today was the first of two muck up days we get as year 11, as we go on study leave on thursday.  It's tradition that we have a day of 'jazzed up' uniform where we sign shirts and paint our Doc Marten shoes (it's compulsory to wear them at my school -.-).  I painted mine white with union jacks on the front, which you can see from the second to last picture.  Unfortunately I had to spend the whole day in the art rooms because I have a 10 hour art exam which carries on tomorrow, where the theme is 'granny hill' so it should be pretty funny watching my friends all dressed up as old people painting canvases!

I may post tomorrow if I have any quality pictures, which I probably will haha.  Oh, and is anyone else getting a bit bored of Tumblr? I've had it for a while now with a quite a significant amount of followers but it's getting repetitive and same-old-same-old, guess it's just because I have a lot on my plate at the moment with all these GCSE's!
love amy x


  1. Are those your uniforms?! They're so cute! Gah, if my school had uniforms, I'd hope they'd be that cool. And awesome Union Jacks, super creative!

    So glad I found your blog. Just stumbled across it today!

  2. Yeah thats our uniform, I'll miss it! and thank you (: x

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