Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sunday Summary Week 30

1/ Wearing my wolf tee I bought from the Clothes Show Live
2/ Received a lovely parcel from a secret santa
3/ Reppin' the boyfriends Exit Left Apparel tee, check them out, their stuff is amazing!
4/ Finally bought the ring I've wanted for ages from topshop, £5!
5/ Wrapped up my friends birthday present, I thought it was pretttyy (:
6/ Stretched my ear, only diddy but meh, don't want to go massive, keeping it small
7/ Mums friend gave me a camera, it's soooo big!
8/ Went shopping in Kingston and the Jack Wills is like a mansion, incredible
9/ Union Jack made up of coloured liquid in shot glasses in Jack Wills, sooooo cool!

Things I loved this week:
1/ Lizz's blog, Remaining Nameless is great!
2/ The Live Lounge version of Earthquake by Labrinth & Tinie Tempah, so good (here)
3/ Really loving the clothes from Chicwish, they do some great stuff!

This week has actually been really good, as far as college weeks.  I'm still major behind on christmas shopping though, as well as a ton of work!  My mums going away for work or something this week so I have to stay at dads, so I won't get to see Freddie for ages which is pretty depressing! I had a party Saturday night and today I went Christmas shopping in Kingston.  It's such a good place to go but it was completely packed, I prefer shopping online!  Now I'm knackered, so night!
love amy x


  1. The wolf tee is so cool! I'm so glad you like my blog it realy means alot!

  2. I definitely prefer shopping online too after too many an unsuccesful shopping trip in Guildford, Winchester or London when I come home stressed and spending more on the train fayre then the actual clothes...! x

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