Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 33

1/ Had a costa & Krispy Kreme
2/ Some polaroid photos I've taken
3/ Wore my Black Milk galaxy leggings to the ice rink on Christmas day!
4/ Experimented with lipstick!
5/ Made sugar cookies with Polly
6/ Watched a video of an old school play, Tinkerbell 2k5
7/ My hair looked preeeetty
8/ Put on some Nail Rock wraps!

Things I loved this week:
Loving Olivias blog, That's My Style!
2/ This video summarising 2011 is just amazing!
3/ Love this blouse!

Okay so I am majorly behind on posting despite the fact I've been off college so apologies!  Happy 2012 everyone, hope you all had a good time last night, I went to a party and didn't get to sleep until like 5am and my back is in so much pain as I had to sleep on the floor, so today has not been too fun.  I have some pictures that I'll probably post tomorrow, but for now I'm going to attempt to have an early night!  Oh, and I'm really undecided on the blouse in no. 3 of 'Things I loved this week', it's quite expensive but I really like it, what do you think, yay or nay?
love amy x


  1. Those leggings are gorgeous, as is your hair! I've just discovered your blog and I love it!

    Charlotte xo

  2. Love that black blouse you linked! Happy New Year hun!

    Carla xx

  3. Your so pretty! Sounds like you had a amazing week!

  4. I love all those photos! Especially the Krispy Kreme doughnut! And thank you so much for the shoutout! I love your blog too! :D

  5. Happy new year :) yours looks so fun! I sadly didn't get a kiss this year :( haha xx

    sweet monday

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All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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