Monday, 23 April 2012

Sunday Summary Week 49

1/ Freddie & crips   2/ Charity shop find   3/ Company magazine   4/ Sims 3 arrived!   5/ Collar & choker   6/ Sims aaaaahhh!   7/ Ringz   8/ Messing around at college haha   9/ Found a thumb ring   10/ Starbucks with Polly   11/ Gig outfit   12/ Foundation exploded all over my makeup bag ):   13/ Hole in the bottom of my friends car   14/ Gig band   15/ Watching TV while editing photos!   16/ Packed up the satchel I sold on ebay

This weekend has been alright, I got to see my friends a lot but heard some bad news from my mum which may result in us moving house which is really sad, as I love the house we're in.  I've got exams coming up as well in May which are also stressing me out.  However, I'm now a blogger for a modelling agency called Interlens Model Management so that's a really exciting prospect, and I'll keep you updated on everything!
love amy x

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