Sunday, 27 May 2012

Friday the twenty-fifth of May

Instagram - amyvalentinex
I was going to post this on the day but my phone wasn't connecting to my computer properly and I've been away from home/super busy all weekend.  Since starting my new job at Next last saturday I've done four shifts, which is a ton of overtime, totalling 16 hours, and considering I'm only contracted to work 3 hours a weekend that's a lot; made £84 in just over a week which I'm proud of myself for!

My friend Loulie passed her test on friday so me, her and Polly are all going on a road trip on Tuesday to celebrate the end of exams, and will be spending a couple of days at Polly's dad's house in Bedford which should hopefully be fun!
love amy x


  1. love the diana cam:-) and the photo of the group of teens is great x

  2. I have the same lipstick! Why do I feel it looks so much better on you!!

  3. You look awesome!
    Kisses from Belarus)

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All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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