Monday, 6 August 2012

Sunday Summary Week 64

instagram // amyvalentinex

1/ Gourmet Burger Kitchen sides   2/ Iced vanilla latte & giant bourbon   3/ New tops   4/ Taking outfit posts
5/ Crow Wear outfit   6/ Giant sunglasses   7/ New kitty knit jumper   8/ Random leather t-shirt
9/ Ice cream pink nails   10/ Whippy ice cream   11/ LuLu's package   12/ LuLu's bralet
13/ Grapefruit San Pellegrino   14/ Wagamama date!   15/ Urban Outfitters changing room   16/ Birds
17/ Haribo milkshakes   18/ Outfit of the day   19/ New vintage cameras!   20/ Flicky eyeliner
21/ Gig band   22/ Ice Crush Topshop nail varnish   23/ Tyson Gay hahaha   24/ Iced Mocha!

First off, my mum bought me a leather jacket t-shirt thing from Zara shown in picture number 8 and I can't decide whether to keep it or to ebay it as she lost all the tags and the receipt and I'm not sure how I'd style it up so I need honest opinions pretty please!
This week has been pretty ~fashiony in that I've taken a ton of outfit photos and have been working really hard on my blog, but I've also seen quite a lot of my friends and it's been really good.  I also got loads of good feedback from my haul video I posted and I bought loads of stuff in Guildford the other day so I might film another video soon!  Also apologies this post is a day late, I totally forgot about it yesterday!

love amy x


  1. Lovely photos, loving all three of those grey tops! and your hair is just beautiful xx

  2. I love your instagram photos :) you look so beautiful!

  3. Your hair is lovely! I think you should keep the leather jacket, it would suit you :) xx

  4. adore these photos! you're so pretty xxx

  5. Lovely week in photo's, your gorgeous! I had a laugh too when i saw gay written on his name tag! LOL

  6. mmmm lots of yummy food and cute clothes :) you have a lovely blog xx

  7. That belt is lovely! If you're not sure about the jacket you could possibly cut the sleeves off xx


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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