Saturday, 3 August 2013

Lekiosk Newsstand App Review

I was contacted by the people at Lekiosk asking if I would be interested in reviewing their magazine app.  I jumped at the opportunity as it sounds like a really great concept and I wanted to see how it would compare to the Newsstand app that comes built in with Apple products.  I've never reviewed an app before, I can't really even hack beauty, so I hope this all makes sense!

As you can see from these photos, the layout is nice to look at, and these photos don't do it justice.  You can see it in action in my June Favourites video if you skip to 8 minutes in, I love how the newsstand rotates around!  You can use every aspect of the app either portrait of landscape which I like, but I usually read in portrait, as everything is bigger.  You can also zoom in when reading which I do quite a lot.

Magazine Selection
I find that all the magazines I'm interested in are available on the app (Company, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Glamour, etc) but some reviews I've read claim that it lacks a good variety, however I am happy with the selection.  There are also loads of titles under a wide range of other interests, like music or mens interest, totalling to over 80 overall.

The Lekiosk app is free but you have to pay for a subscription.  It is £9.99 a month for 10 magazines, so quite similar to Spotify, if you will.  I think for an avid magazine reader or family that is a good amount as it equates to just £1 per magazine whereas if you buy through newsstand you'd pay around £2-3. In a regular month I would probably only buy 4, and considering that the credits expire at the end of the month it wouldn't be feasable for my lifestyle.

You can view your Lekiosk subscription on your phone, iPad and computer, so I like that it's not exclusive to one device.  I find the app really easy to use and navigate, and the pages are designed to look like a real magazine, with realistic page turns and the shadow in the middle to imitate the magazine crease, which I like.

I think if I had to rate this app I would give it a 7/10.  I feel the pros outweigh the cons and love the pretty interface and wide selection.  Although it is a very different experience reading a magazine from a screen, I love the whole concept of using a tablet instead and (kind of) doing my part for the environment, saving trees!

Do any of you guys use Lekiosk? What are your opinions about digitalised magazines?
love amy x


  1. i love company magazine, i always buy their mag (eek i think im might be obsessed to be honest)x

    Please visit mine & my 13 year old twin's new blog and let us know what you think xx

  2. Nice idea but Apple already have Newstand which is very similiar

  3. very cool! love the idea of magazine apps, but i still like collecting the hard copies. and i love the quality of your photos.


  4. thanks for the review! i will check out this app! :D

    <3, Mimi

  5. thanks for the review of this app, really love the look of it!


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