Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Motel Rocks Blogger Party

Photo credit: 2, 6, 10, 13 // other photos my own

A couple of Thursdays ago your social networking feeds may have been bombarded with photos hashtagging #MotelRocksTheParty and this event was the reason why!  Motel always throw the best blogger parties so I was over the moon to receive an invite to the latest one held in Pro Green's club, INK.  The cocktails were flowing and there was plenty to do - from having your nails painted by The Illustrated Nail girls, getting multicoloured locks from the Urban Fudge team, indulging in some yoomoo frozen yoghurt, browsing the latest Motel collection or taking too many tipsy mirror selfies in the toilet. It was lovely to see some of my blogger friends again, and to meet the lovely Laura, Leanne & Victoria!  Big thanks to the Motel team for putting on such a great party and heres to more events in the future!

To read my post about the last Motel event click here and don't forget to watch the vlog I made of the day here!
love amy x


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

© Amy Valentine. All rights reserved.