Thursday, 7 November 2013

REVIEW // Kindle Fire HD 7"

Kindle Fire HD 7" // £119 Argos

I've never really been a part of the whole e-reader hype - mainly because while juggling college, work and blogging last year I didn't have time to, but since I'm now taking a gap year I can do all the reading I want, and what better way to do it than on my shiny new
Kindle Fire HD from Argos?  I know a lot of people are attached to their hard copy books but honestly I can't imagine anything better that hundreds of books on one small slab of technology I can easily slip in my handbag and take anywhere.  However - this tablet is not only for books, you can download magazines, games and social apps, so it's perfect for keeping up with the ridiculous amount of social platforms I have!  

As you can see from the images above, I went a little app crazy and downloaded all the staples including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.  All work fast and smoothly on the Kindle and might I say they are deadly for wasting time - I must have spend over 2 hours lolling around on my bed, setting up my kindle and getting lost in the realms of Pinterest!  I also set up a little Skype call with my baby brother and I, and my nana which is always nice, and the camera is a good quality - I'd say the same as an iPad.

As with anything there are always downsides - with the Kindle Fire the battery life is certainly one of them.  Many of you may know that the Kindles are famous for their outrageously long battery life whereas the Kindle Fire has 10 hours worth, but to be honest, who really spends 10 hours a day on their tablet?  Plus you also need to take into account that Kindles burn battery connecting to the Internet and supporting apps and a full colour backlit screen, which the basic Kindle does not do.  The main downside for me is that the home screen background cannot be changed - there is constantly an advertisement for a new book or tablet case which at first drove me nuts and I feel it really cheapened the tablet, but the silver lining is that you can get some great deals on books if you do actually take an interest.

I've started off with Alice and Wonderland as it's an easy read and my mum already had it on her Kindle account!  However I'm really in the market for some good reads and I'm thinking of venturing into 'The Fault in our Stars' by John Green seeing as every blogger and their dog appears to be reading it at the moment!  If you have any book suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below, and if any of you guys have a Kindle Fire - let me know of any apps etc. I should download!

This post is in association with Argos
love amy x


  1. I had no idea that it lets you download apps, I thought it was just a schnazzier version of the Kindle...seems like a worthwhile purchase though!

  2. My boyfriend bought this for me as a gift and I haven't gone a day without using it - in fact, I'm using right now! Great review :)

    Much love,
    Jennifer x

  3. Actually I think the book Looking For Alaska is better than the Fault In Our Stars, but I would recommend this book Maya's Notebook or something like that, it was written by Isabel Allende and it's seriously one of my favorite books.

  4. Any books by Karen Rose if you love Crime/Action/Drama and characters you will actually fall in love with. And The Passage and The Twelve by Justin Cronin for a reaaaaallly amazing and clever take on vampires/post apocalypse and that type of stuff.


  5. I have a little Kindle Fire too and I must admit I felt if I wrote a review it would be pretty much the same! love this and your blog xx

  6. The Life Of Bon always suggests the best books. Check her out!

  7. I really think about getting an iPad when I'm back in Japan because Apple products are so much cheaper there - and it would be perfect for university, I really hate to take my precious (and heavy) laptop everywhere! Have to say the Kindle fire looks pretty neat I hope you'll use it a lot! :) I really enjoyed the Game of Thrones books lately :)

  8. Definitely recommend Cecilia Ahern "Where Rainbows End", Kathryn Stockett "The Help" and "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" xxx


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
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