Wednesday, 20 April 2011


Sorry guys, didn't get to post the beach pictures yesterday!  I was procrastinating the whole day then when it came to creating the post the photos were taking mega long to upload and then I got told to go to bed cause I had to get up at 7am today as mums dragging me off to the gym again.  I went yesterday, and if you're a follower of my Twitter you'll know that I left my iPhone on the train on the way to Bournemouth, thus I didn't have an iPod to take to the gym.  My mum was kind enough to lend me hers so I synced all my music, got to the gym, started listening and to my dismay the iPod cut out before I'd even finished listening to one song.  Turns out the battery is ruined as it is constantly charging on the iPod dock, which is really bad for them.  I had to listen to the 'gym' music so had no exercise motivation whatsoever so didn't really get a great workout, then when Justin Bieber started playing I just could not go on haha.

Anyway, Bournemouth was actually really great! I took a load of photos, which are, obviously, above and also on my flickr.  Sorry if the post takes ages to load, I kind of overloaded photowise!  But yeah, one of the best days out in a while, was just really relaxed and got to socialise properly, rather than catching the train to Camberley and sitting in a skanky park or some run down car park.  It turned out to be really sunny and nice, and it turns out that someone found my phone on the train and they are supposedly mailing it back to me which is so lucky!  So everything turned out incredibly well!  Also, my friend Louis (who should definitely get a flickr or something!) has recently got into making little films, and he's really good!  He video'd our day in Bournemouth and I got him to upload it to a public site rather than Facebook so I could share it.  Its just above and I suggest you watch it, he's so talented, and it's a really lovely video(:
love amy x


  1. This looks like such an amazing day (:. Your friend is really talented too!!.. Loveee the video (:.


  2. I've got to say I really love your blog, that video is amazing, I would pay good money for someone to film a day out like that :) xx

  3. Ohhhh my gosh, this is the cutest video ever ! :)

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