Tuesday, 31 May 2011


It was a couple of my friend's birthdays the other week and my favourite thing to do is make little party bag things with a few small gifts, instead of one thing.  I decided to go with a £10 Outfit gift voucher, a bracelet I made each and some lush bath bombs shown above.  Lush is literally one of my favourite shops, they do such amazing bath bombs and soaps and you can smell the store miles off!  I'm even thinking of applying for a job there if it means I can smell that good 24/7!

Oh, I saw The Hangover II on sunday evening, a little disappointing but I guess there's not much you can do when you're basically making the same movie all over again.  I've also been downloading as many albums possible lately in order to 'get into' a load of the bands playing at Reading Festival this year, as I don't know a lot of the bands playing, so want to know the music for when I'm there.  I'm really liking Architects and Crystal Fighters as well as Emarosa (even though they aren't actually playing).

I guess you could call this a 'filler' post if you wish, as I don't really have much going on at the moment, nothing interesting to share with you guys.  Normally I'm against these things but a filler post is better than no post at all right?

love amy x


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