Sunday, 15 May 2011

sunday summary week 1

1/ revision revision revision...
2/ Last bus journey home as a proper year 11!
3/ Moved my 'floordrobe' to my bed, looks worse in real life!
4/ Sneak peek of my prom dress!
5/ Got a little addicted to the 'Flood it' app on my iPhone
6/ Alex got frustrated when trying to beat a high score on the ipad (he beat me eventually -.- )
7/ My friend Hannah got bored with revising and scanned her face
8/ 14 people on my tumblr at once! 

This is my first 'Sunday Summary'.  I'm not sure if I'll be carrying it on due to exams at the moment but I've seen this type of thing on quite a few blogs and thought I'd give it a try, so there you go!
love amy x

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