Friday, 3 June 2011


I know it's a little late but I thought I'd share some pictures with you guys.  My baby brother, Freddie, had his Christening last sunday and these photos are the results of the day!  I may upload them to my Flickr if I can be bothered!  Some aren't the best shots of Fred but I can assure you that he's smiley most of the time!

At the moment I'm just panicking about GCSE's, as it's currently half term and I thought that I had another week before my classics and math exam but yesterday I found out it's this monday coming up so I'm so worried, as maths is my absolute worst subject.  However, I'm just trying to be optimistic and think about the moment when I walk out of the maths exam, knowing I'll never ever have to do maths again, yayayay!

love amy x


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