Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Louis VuiWHAT?

Yes you read the title correctly, this is a real Louis Vuitton purse!  Obviously I didn't buy it myself, come on but it is, well, was in fact my mothers.  She bought it a while back as a super special treat or whatever but didn't use it much as she had other purses and it just lay around for a while until a few days or so ago when she decided to sell it on eBay.  When I spotted it in the eBay pile I just kind of stared for a while and eventually asked mum about it, then she offered to just give it to me to save the hassle of listing it and risking it going for hardly anything, as everyone on eBay assumes things are just a fake, plus it was a little broken on the inside where you put your credit cards but I solved it with a slick of glue.  It looks mostly black in pictures but in real life it shines a sparkly plum colour in the light which is so pretty (you can kind of see it in the last photo).  I am so so happy I finally have a nice purse, as I left mine on a bus a few weeks ago and have had to deal with some god awful gold sparkly Primark thing I found in a drawer.  Yay Louis! :D
love amy x

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