Friday, 9 September 2011


So today is one of those days where I cannot think of anything to post.  I've been at college all morning for an induction day and it was pretty nerve wracking.  There were so many people there, and it was only less than half my year, so it's going to be so weird getting used to a super busy college, with 3300 students.  I hope to make some new friends soon, as I know absolutely no one in my form.  I'm taking graphic design, photography, english language and business studies, and in a week I have 3 late starts and 1 early finish which isn't too bad!  Also the picture is irrelevant, I took it a while ago and just needed a picture for the post, as I hate posting a blog entry without a photo! Excuse the Pokénerd-ness.

EDIT: I forgot to add, MyStreetChic have made me Chic of the Week! check the article/interview here.
love amy x


  1. I love the random photo.....I LOVE Pokemon so much.

  2. Ahahahhah I totally forgot about Eevee.

  3. Oh my God, you're photo reminded me of when I used to play with Yu Gi Oh cards...even though that's Pokemon lol:P Hope you have it easy making new friends at college <3

  4. Wow, you're taking 3 of the same A levels as me! Photography, Graphic Design and English :) x


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