Saturday, 10 September 2011

My Street Chic

This is just a little shoutout post to the team over at MyStreetChic!  I discovered their site last week and I loooove it.  You can check out the fashion style of other people, as well as posting your own looks, and this week they made me Chic of the week, so check out the article here.  They also sent me two lots of lovely gifts, just because I was using the site, and I'm pretty sure this is exclusive to everyone, and all you have to do is contribute a little!  The first package was some nail varnish in a cute shimmery pink colour and the second was glitter mascara and Red or Dead(!) tights.  I can't believe that I got such a big brand for free, they're definitely my new favourite pair of tights and are pretty thick, so will be perfect for the coming autumn months.

So to end my burbling, thank you so much to the team at MyStreetChic.  I love your site and keep up the good work!

EDIT: I was just about to throw away the wrapping when I found another little something!  It's an adorable MyStreetChic branded chapstick.  Definitely gonna be keeping that handy for the coming cold!
love amy x


  1. I've had the pleasure of meeting the ladies behind the site and they're the nicest people EVER!


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