Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sunday Summary Week 16

1/ Got my nails done all sparkly silver, preeeetty!
2/ Alex's recent X-ray, showing the metal plate and screws put in when he had his 3 and a half hour operation!
3/ The scar left from Alex's operation (he's had the cast off)
4/ Colour ombre'd my hair (it's still wet here)
5/ Went to Reading Festival, now have 4 bands!
6/ Mum went milk crazy
7/ Can't see it well, but my Costa muffin got completely squished in my bag (still yummy though!)
8/ A moped got knocked over by a car, my mum actually started crying when she saw this. Luckily the rider was unharmed!
9/ Bought some Doc Martens for college, later returned as cheaper & nicer boots were found in TK Maxx!
10/ Had a cider flavoured ice lolly, so goood!

Things I loved this week:
1/ Really loving Lily's blog, Red Brick Lipstick lately
2/ The new song, Fame > Demise by Woe, Is me (warning heavy) listen here
3/ This incredible photography site, 'Back To The Future'.  The photographer has recreated childhood photos almost exactly, it's so well done.

So last week I wasn't able to make a Sunday Summary post due to the fact I was at Reading Festival.  For this reason, this weeks is extra photo heavy, as I had two weeks worth to put in!  The weather isn't great today where I am, completely grey and unnervingly silent, it's completely still outside, with no wind or anything.  I would call it peaceful, but I usually associate that with the sun!  I start college in just over a week and I'm pretty nervous, considering I haven't got anything organised at all.  I'd also like to say a quick happy birthday to Beyoncé, she looks amazing, and would never have guessed that she's 30!
love amy x


  1. I wish i was at Reading too ! :(
    The breacelets are soo nice :D
    Wishes to your boyfriend! :*

  2. Your hair looks gorgeous, I love it! xxx

  3. Love your dip dyed hair! Beautiful colours, looks great :D

  4. your so beautiful!

  5. Thank-you for the link! You look so gorgeous! I love the hair it looks so amazing on you. And the docs! Haha, I love the milk too that made me chuckle!



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