Saturday, 3 September 2011

Your forever is all that I need

Hi guys, just a quick post as I just got back from town with my mum after buying some coconut ice! It's got to be my favourite kind of sweet, and I decided to experiment with my photography a bit in my garden.  It's not that sunny outside but I had to make do with the light available.  I think they turned out alright, but that's just my opinion!  I'm trying to get more into photography as I'm starting college on the 12th September, and I'll be studying photography as one of my 4 A-levels.  We also went to have a look in the pet shop today, as they have a sign outside stating that they are now stocking tortoises.  My mum is strongly considering getting one as a pet to keep in the garden, but we still need to do a lot of research on how to keep them etc.  If there are any tortoise brainboxes reading my blog, feel free to leave some tips!
love amy x


  1. Beautiful photos! And coconut ice? I feel like I'm missing out!


  2. Adorable photos, I love your nail varnish m'dear! x

  3. love these, they are beautiful, found your blog and followed straight away, i love it!

  4. Those photos are beautiful :) I have three tortoises and they're so easy to look after...ours live at the end of the garden, we just feed them once a day and basically leave them to it :) Although when it gets to October we put them in a box full of straw for hibernation. Hope it helps a little :) xx

  5. the pictures are really cute ! what filters have you used ?? x


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