Monday, 24 October 2011

Sunday Summary Week 23

1/ iPhone 4S arrived (wrong colour though, changing it!)
2/ Freddie, is there ever a week without him??
3/ Chilling in my bed watching Pretty Little Liars
4/ Passing loads of mock theory tests, think I'm ready to take the proper one!
5/ What I'd look like with a full fringe, think I'm going to stick to the side fringe!
6/ The boyf's little sister Lottie, she's a cutie!

Things I loved this week:
1/ Polly's blog, she's a textiles student and creates some awesome stuff!
2/ Like Lions Do - Right Away, Great Captain! Listen here.
3/ This incredible gallery of macro shots of eyes!

Yes it's a day late, my bad! I was at the boyfriends house last night so didn't have prolonged access to a computer, so I'm posting it now I'm at my mums house.  I had my hair done this morning, nothing drastic, just had my roots done, they were getting pretty bad!

I signed up to receive Graze boxes the other day and it arrived and I love them! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Graze, it's a little box that costs only £3.49 with 4 different kinds of healthy snacks, so that you aren't stuck getting fat because you're constantly munching on chocolate and crisps! If you want your first and fifth box free, all you have to do is use this code (XR3FMB9) when the option is given on the home page, I'll be doing a post on what I got real soon!

Lastly, my giveaway ends tomorrow, make sure you've entered!
love amy x


  1. aw, freddie's adorable! i signed up for graze boxes too, i'm in love. my second's coming tomorrow, i hope it'll last a bit longer than a day this time hahah! whoops.

    your room looks lovely in the third picture by the way :)

    beth xo
    ramz and the flock

  2. Wow! what a lovely surprise to visit one of my favorite blogs (yours!) and see my little struggling blog mentioned! means a lot, thanks Amy x p.s: your little brother couldn't be more adorable.

  3. chillin watching pretty little liars with me..DON'T DENY IT i took that picture and everything ;) you can even see my onesie hahaha x

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All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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