Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Taste Of Regret

Top: Pull & Bear
Skirt: Zara
Jacket: Drop Dead
Socks: Primark
Mary Janes: Office

As the weather has been so nice today I thought I'd have a little change from taking pictures against my wardrobe and venture into my garden.  The pictures are pretty shoddy, with me squinting in a load of them as the sun was in my eyes, but I figured I'd use them anyway.  I woke up this morning feeling really crappy, with a banging headache and boiling hot, so I think I'm coming down with a temperature or something.  My jaw was also completely locked, I could only open it a tiny bit and I actually got pretty worried!  Thankfully it eased off and is fine now, but at the time I thought I'd have to book an emergency doctors appointment or something!
love amy x


  1. I think you're the owner of the longest legs I've ever seen. My stumps are jealous.

    Glad your jaw is better

    T x

  2. I love the drop dead jacket! It looks so amazing at you.
    xoxo L.

  3. Loving the DD jacket! Oli Sykes is just a dreamboat. (:

    Emma x

  4. Great Outfit Love it! Now following :) x

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