Sunday, 15 January 2012

Sunday Summary Week 35

1/ Mutant carrot, so weird!
2/ My mum bought Polly an e-cigarette, so weird watching her smoke inside!
3/ Ellen Atlanta sported some Iridescent shorts I made!
4/ Experimenting with lipstick, notice the drop dead phone cover (;
5/ Drew all over my hand, pretty?
6/ ~bein all 90's
7/ Friday 13th, scary!
8/ Went antique shopping

Things I loved this week:
1/ Loving Ellie's blog, Ellie's Favourite Things atm!
2/ Got my eyes on this gorgeous hammered sterling silver ring by Ramsi on Etsy!
3/ Please take a look at The Dannie Goodridge Fund, this girl is 15 and extremely ill but cannot afford an operation to make her well again, so sad.

This week has been so hectic.  It was my boyfriends first gig on friday with his band, Wake the Dreamers and they were insane, so pictures to follow.  Obviously as it was Friday 13th some bad stuff has to happen, but I wasn't expecting what was to come.  As the band were playing their intro, one of the guitars cut out and it took a few minutes to sort out, which isn't the best start to a bands first live show, but the set turned out to be amazing and I'm so proud! Next, in the mosh pits for the band some guy broke his collarbone, so an ambulance had to come which was interesting, then as soon as that ambulance left, another pulled up just like a taxi rank! Turns out some other guy managed to sprain his ankle in the pits as well, so tough luck for them, but an achievement for Wake the Dreamers, two injuries at their very first gig, and they got 9th place in ticket sales!

I've also found out some horrible news today regarding family issues, which are going to completely change everything, so I'm pretty upset about it, and I hate being in the position where I can't do anything at all to solve it, I just hope sense is seen and everything gets back to how it was before, but the chances are low, which is killing me.
love amy x


  1. Thank you so much for the mention! I love your blog xx

  2. I love reading sunday summaries! Looks like you had a good week! x

  3. In the picture of you wearing lipstick you look like that girl Allison from an older series of Americas next top model, don't know if you watch that, she looked like a weird doll but in a good way (sorry if that seems like a lopsided compliment!) I love lipstick I've recently bought one called Infrared from Topshop (I love lipstick names) but I have yet a chance to wear it out... And I can't even blog about it cuz my laptop and cameras were stolen!
    Anyway sad to hear about your stressful fam life at the moment, you are like the least self absorbed young blogger (its why i follow you) so I do feel for you, hope things look up!


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