Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sunday Summary Week 158

instagram // amyvalentinex
1/ Did a mini photoshoot with Motel Rocks  2/ Company photoshoot with Liv & Gem!
3/ Fell in love with the Landmark hotel  4/ Full page feature in Company High Street Edit
5/ Last day interning at Company  6/ With all the babin' bloggers at the Topshop X RStyle event

I am writing this post from my house in Reading as my Company internship is now over.  I had such a great time there and was sad to say goodbye, not only to the offices, but also the lovely people who have given me a place to stay in London for the past month.  I'm still having a huge uni dilemma at the moment as I didn't get a place at my dream uni, LCF, but I'm trying to not let it get me down, and taking each day as it comes.  Reality has kind of come crashing back down on me and I'm now realising the awkward limbo of having an uncertain future and it's very unsettling.
The good news is that I'll be able to focus more on my blog now but it may take a little while for me to ease back into posting daily as I've got a lot to catch up on!
Sorry for the slightly depressing post today but I'm just feeling a little drained.  hopefully will feel a little more chipper soon.


  1. It looks like you've had an amazing week. Interning and Company sounds like it would be an amazing opportunity, I'd love to do that!
    Don't let the future get you down...there is no point worrying about what if, just live in the present and enjoy the moment now :)
    Take some time to pamper yourself and I'm sure you'll be back on track to being chirpy,

  2. Hope you are alright, you are doing so well with your blog! don't worry about uni, I am sure you will do whatever you want in the future! hope all goes well!

  3. I love the outfit you're wearing in the feature in Company High Street Edit! That's so cool that you've been able to do all those things this week!

    Great blog, by the way!

    xoxo, ♥

  4. love that editorial! you're an amazing style blogger and i'm sure something will definitely open up for your future when you least expect. :)

  5. Very cool pics!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about LCF, but I'm sure you will be able to find something better and better. When one door closes, another always seems to open :) x

  7. something better will come a long i am sure!

  8. Things will get better soon, they always do :)

    Also, Rhiannon! In that last photo! Haha I follow her on youtube. So weird seeing her in someone else's pictures.

  9. i also didn't get accepted to LCF :( instead i'm going to falmouth! scary. hope everything works out for you amy, i'm sure it will!
    ellie x

  10. So sorry to hear about LCF! Everything works out in the end though - you could always take a year out, focus on your blog then reapply. Just make sure you take the time you need and don't rush into anything!
    Would love to read a post on your Company internship if you have a chance, I'm going there next month so any tips / advice would be amazing!

    Lydia xo


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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