Sunday, 27 February 2011

there's a beating to your heart that i just can't be apart

this is my baby brother, he may be annoying and restricting to my social life at times but oh just look at his gorgeous face, i love him to pieces!  this was just going to be a boring text post so i needed to put in a picture somewhere and here it is! (note my wearing my leopard onesie, they're just so comfy!)

okay, so blog regularities:

on my previous blog, susanna valentine, i had weekly features like mini mixtape monday and wednesday wants.  i think it's good for blogs to have them, because they keep posts regular but they can become annoying and a chore for the blogger, especially if they need to get work done (hello, gcse's?) but i do want to feature some blog regularities.  i'm thinking of doing something like the mini mixtape mondays i used to do, but 5 songs would sometimes take a while, so i'm just going to choose 1.  i might also carry on with wednesday wants too and was thinking about doing an photography day? with images on tumblr but i guess you can see them just by following my tumblr d:

so yeah anyway, i go back to school tomorrow! so not looking forward to it, especially as our mocks start on wednesday, as i've probably said in a previous post.  i guess it will be nice to go back as i get to see all of my friends again, as a load of them have been on holiday in half term so i didn't see them.  also also, my boyfriend, shaun, is coming back from his snowboarding holiday in canada today and unfortunately i don't think i'll be able to see him tonight as i'm at mums, but i can't wait to see him as it's been so long!

anyway, i must get back to revision and my delicious, nutritional lunch of pot noodles!

love amy x


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