Sunday, 27 March 2011

day 27: talk about your siblings

well, this could be a potentially long post aha.  i have three brothers, two being blood and one being half, but i count him as full.  unfortunately, i am the eldest as well as being the only girl which means i'm stuck with being 'responsible' grr.  my oldest younger brother is called george, he's in year 9 and currently boarding at millfield school in somerset.  he got a scholarship cause he's really good at sports but it feels a bit weird not having him around.  my middle brother is called edward, he's in year 7 or 8, i'm not actually sure, but he has trouble without george, cause they used to always spend time together and he doesn't really have anyone now.  lastly we've got little fred, he's a product of my mums remarriage 2 years ago and he's currently nearly 8 months old.  i love him, but he's become a big limiting factor to my life which kinda sucks.  oh welllll
love amy x


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