Wednesday, 6 April 2011


i've been maaajor bored lately as my internet has been down for some obscenely annoying reason and i can only connect if i go to the study and plug in the intranet cable, which is nowhere near as comfortable as just staying in my bed!

anyway, i downloaded this software called photoscape which is free and actually really good but unfortunately not compatible for macs, grrr. i used the overlay tool thing as well as a few other tweaks which the photos above are results of! the blonde in the photos is actually me when i was platinum, then the last picture is my friend loulie.  unfortunately some of the photos aren't great quality (which is reeeally annoying!) because i had to save them from my facebook album as the computer they were originally saved on is not here and facebook destroyed the quality.  i think i may get a flickr soon, as i take loads of photos but never edit them, hhhmmm
love amy x

1 comment:

  1. Hi,I'm brazilian this program one of the most used here.
    Your blog is very nice :3


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