Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Too Tired

So these past few days have been pretty hectic, I've spent most of my time in farnham and spending rather a lot of time with Alex, shown above (ignore my hair/face, I was extremely tired!) and it's been so fun, don't want this week to end!  It just sucks that he lives so far away from me; 40 minutes in the car, which never happens as my mum never gives me lifts, and an hour and a bit on the train, with 2 changes, one including a 10 minute walk from one station to another, not cool.  Unfortunately I am completely knackered as I've been having a few late nights combined with a little alcohol so not exactly at my peak!

I'm going to attempt to catch up on some sleep now, as I'm almost falling asleep on my laptop, and I'll try to post a little more regularly I guess? Seeing as my last post was close to a week ago. I'm not really completely sure what to post about, but I'll sort it out soon enough! Nunight!
love amy x


  1. oh he lives really far ? that sucks :( but the photos are sooo cute !

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All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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