Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday Summary Week 11

1/ Freddie on the plane back to England
2/ Pretty clouds from above
3/ Funny ad at the train station
4/ Mouldy findings from the fridge when we arrived home
5/ Came home to some post!
6/ Made rice crispy cake :D

Things I loved this week:
1/ This Flickr photostream. This girl is seriously talented at drawing!
2/ The Gives Me Hope website. Like the FML website but with uplifting stories. So lovely.
3/ These cute "I do" soundgraph wedding rings

This will be the last of my scruffy weekly posts! I'm back in England now so regular posts will be back!  I'm sorry this post is so boring, the pictures all seem to contain rectangular things, so nothing exciting.  I'm in a really weird mood where I can't think of much to write.  Alex came round yesterday and stayed round and spent the day here today which was nice as I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks.

I know I said this before with a 100 follower mark, but I am going to do a giveaway when I reach 150 followers!  I hadn't actually organised the giveaway before and some sponsors let me down, then I had to go to Spain but now I'm back with a great sponsor and some want-worthy items up for grabs, so spread the word!
love amy x


  1. ewwww the moldy cheeese :D :D
    and freddiee is so cute!

  2. 'No more getting your dongle out!' LOL that sort of thing makes my day :D

    I've known about GMH for a while and it's so lovely to read. FML is funny but kind of depressing sometimes, so it's great to read about the opposite :) x

  3. omg the moldy cheese lol, I had the same experience, last time I traveled

  4. I love Andrea Joseph's work! Some of it was featured in a local museum exhibition recently - it's even more amazing in person!.
    Hope you had a lovely holiday - hoping you'll put some holiday pics up (:

  5. wow thanks for sharing that flickr account.. i like her detailed drawings.


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Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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