Saturday, 25 February 2012

postcards and polaroids

Randomly at my friend Polly's house at the moment which is a little weird, but when I came back from France I had a ton of parcels from eBay and thought I'd share them with you.  The yin yang ring is actually from Etsy and it's vintage, it cost me £10 and I'm so happy with it despite the fact it's a little big for me.  The gorgeous handknitted jumper is so warm and a lot of effort and love was put into it and I got it for just 99p! I feel kinda bad as it would have cost so much more to make purely for wool but that's life. Lastly the vintage purple corset also cost me 99p and it actually fits me so well, however I am debating whether to put it up for sale on my shop though.
What do you think of my buys? (:
love amy x


  1. Love the handknitted jumper! I have been looking for something similar in that colour.. I cant believe you got it for 99p, that is so amazingly cheap, very lucky :) Awh no the corset is too nice to sell, you should keep it for yourself considering it is only 99p. I am going to look on ebay for some nice things now xxx

  2. that corset is lovely, and the ring! great buys, its made me want to buy some things of ebay now haha

  3. I'm sure I added that ring to my fav wish list on etsy...grrrrr ;) So beautiful and a one-off you must always treasure it my dear.

    1. Also which shop is it from on Etsy, could I have a link, pretty please :D

    2. What ebay shop was the jumper from? I would love one too :)

    3. the etsy shop is:

      and the ebay shop was just a one off seller, they don't have any other items for sale now ):

  4. That ring is stunning and I love the color of your jumper :)xx

  5. The jumper is so nice! The perfect one i am looking for- did you get it from an ebay shop? If so please link :)

  6. Love the colour of that jumper, and the ring is gorgeous! xx


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