Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sunday Summary Week 41

1/ New ring
2/ Sweetpea & Faye parcel came! (post to come)
3/ Energy Drink
4/ Train tracks
5/ Woodland
6/ Pancake day (fail)
7/ Painted my nails!
8/ Tried the new dairy milk bubble bar, bigger than I expected!
9/ Held a hawk
10/ Sunny weather
11/ Party outfit
12/ Me & the boyfriend (:
13/ Outfit of the day
14/ My face, on the way to Wake the Dreamer's gig
15/ Gig ticket
16/ My boyfriend, the vocalist of WTD

Back at college this week unfortunately.  Nevertheless I've still been super busy with both college work, my business, my blog and social life.  This weekend has been so hectic, with going to my friends house on friday, to party on saturday, then I went to a gig tonight.  As much as I love my friends to pieces, I've got no time for working anymore! I need to get my head down and start to concentrate more *sigh*

love amy x

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