Sunday, 1 July 2012

Sunday Summary Week 59

1/ Styling up my studded shirt  2/ Which hair colour?  3/ Freddie watching Toy Story  4/ Pretty Red Bull can
5/ Racing stripe tights  6/ Miiiilk  7/ Sewed on my While She Sleeps backpatch  8/ Fisheye over my iphone lens
9/ College times  10/ Hand candy  11/ Train to London  12/ Polly
13/ Boba tea!  14/ Lily's blogger birthday picnic  15/ Bags n stuff  16/ Camden Lock

Today has actually been so good! I went to Lily's birthday blogger picnic and met a load of the people I read about almost every day on their blogs so it was a really fun experience.  I'll reveal the pictures in my next post as I have a huge amount!  Anyway, I only have one week left of college until I'm done for summer which I'm so excited about, even though I don't have a lot planned, and don't have nearly as long off as I did at the end of year 11 but I'm still not complaining.  I have my driving test booked on the 17th July so hopefully I'll pass then I'm planning on doing a ton of overtime at work so I can make a load of money to go on a big shopping spree and to fund Reading Festival at the end of August!
love amy x


  1. I really wanted to go to that, I hope you had a lovely time :)

  2. So jealous you got to go to the picnic - it looks like so much fun :) Oo and I love the idea of pink hair! <3

    Ellen xx

  3. Camden! I've only been there once and I love it. Your hair looks amazing! Boo to Reading, I'm going to Leeds literally can't wait for it! Foo Fighters and The Vaccines <3

  4. Hey! Nice post!
    I have a suggestion about you hair color! Why don't you mix both and do an ombre effect? Like purple to pink, I think it would look veeery nice!
    See, this girl has the hair like I say:

    But whatever you do in your hair, will look beautiful on you!
    Hope to read you soon!!

    (Sorry for my bad english, i'm not an english-speaker, I hope you understood what I meant)

  5. i love your style *-* i'm so glad i found you blog! i'm a new subbie via bloglovin :3 Love * Monstros no Armário

  6. Hi Amy, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to run Art Blog which you used to follow. I'd been forced to stop blogging to 6 months because my laptop and camera were stolen, but I've started a new blog called Bandasaur which should be an improvement and I'm just passing it on to my old followers. As you've become such a success any support you could offer would be amazing as I'm trying to get back to where I was in November, even if it's just looking at my blog and letting my know if you like it? Thanks

  7. mm boba
    I love this & i love your blog

  8. your blog is great.
    do you want to follow each other?

  9. Lovely pics! I love Camden!! xx


  10. Colorful hair look so good on you :)

    Xoxo | Chloé


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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