Sunday, 21 October 2012

SALON INTERNATIONAL 2012 // Sunday Summary Week 75

instagram // amyvalentinex
my photos

other's photos

credits: mine, @katie_king16, @hairdressersjournalinteractive, @laurenheartsyou_, @hairdressersjournalinteractive, @ghdhair, @ashleigh2025, @sbrune, @ghdhair, @jessssimsxxxx

So if you have read in my previous post(s) or seen it all over my instagram you'll know I was at Salon International last weekend. I was the avant garde model for the Fellowship F.A.M.E Team and was put up in a hotel for 3 days with free breakfast and lunch, and got paid too!  My hairdresser, Ryan Harris is from the Angels salon in Aberdeen and was so lovely, literally fell in love with his scottish accent!  I had to get up at 5:30am every morning to have my hair prepped, which was having a shitload of product put into it, then it was curled with thin tongs to create tiny ringlets and that was clipped and left so that I could get my makeup done at 8 then have buffet breakfast (woo!) then when we got backstage I had my hair brushed out and backcombed so it was huuuuuge!  It was flat on the top and then would explode into a big candyflossy afro which was pretty fun!  I had an amazing time and hope to go again next year!
love amy x


  1. ahhh it looks fjisdhfiw AMAZING! i LOVE LOVE LOVE the colour in your hair at the moment - gorgeous x

  2. really lovely photos! your hair looks amazing!

  3. Woah, your hair looks incredible! x

  4. That sounds and looks like so much fun! You're hair looks so cool.

    <3 Melissa

  5. so much pretty hair - think I might die of jealousy!!


  6. such crazy haircuts ! xx

  7. That's amazing, you look incredible! I swear no one can pull off 'coloured' hair as well as you do! x

  8. You look absolutely stunning, your hairdresser Ryan is very talented! Looks like you had a great time :) xoxo

  9. Wow, look's amazing! Random, but theres a girl in some of your pictures here - her names Amy, she's got the most amazing orange locks. I actually went to Primary school with her!
    So suprised to spot her on your blog, ha
    Keep up the ausom blog, loviiinnngg <3


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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