Tuesday, 18 December 2012


My outfit
Dino tee* // Love Clothing
Leather skirt* // Motel via Love Clothing
Lilac bow (gift!) // Crown & Glory
Necklace // Regal Rose
Sparkly tights // Primark
Creepers // Underground

I had an absolute blast at #SWBxmas!  It was so nice to see the lovely Lyzi, Ella, Kim and Michelle and to meet some new bloggers like Bee, Steph, Roxy, Gina and the gorgeous Sophie who runs Crown & Glory who gave me one of her sparkly bows, so cute! I travelled up with Jess who blogs at Copper Garden, we got the train from Reading which took like an hour and a half but it was totally worth it to arrive at the birdcage (which is a gorgeous venue by the way!) to be greeted with a voucher for a tea & cake and a present from under the tree.  I got a tangle teezer with a handle, crazy right? (haha) and a sample of Macadamia Oil which is great! Minutes after I arrived the quiz started, featuring topics of fashion, media and christmas, with Hayley introducing the event and Macmillan, the charity supported by it. The quiz was shortly followed by champagne & strawberries in a teacup (adorable right?!) and we could have a browse in the vintage shop at the back of the café.  When I left I also received a goodie bag with a vintage scarf inside which I'll definitely be styling up!  Huge thanks to everyone who organised the event, I had a really great time and I hope to meet more of you fellow bloggers in the future!
love amy x


  1. Looks like such a great event, gutted that I missed it!

    - Keyta

  2. A bloggers' event supporting charity is a fantastic idea, and I'm SO glad it was Macmillan. They do such wonderful work.

    You look lovely, as always. I've been considering getting one of those hair bows myself!

  3. Great photos! I love all your outfits =)

  4. Lovely photos! I've fallen in love with your dino tee!

    Leah x

  5. Lovely post :) Thanks so much for the link lovely, was amazing to meet you, you looked gorgeous xxx

  6. Great photos - I spotted your hair from across the room but didn't get a chance to say hello : )

  7. i am so glad you had a blast! it looks like such a fun event! :)

    <3, Mimi

  8. I love your festive tights!
    Bemsy x

  9. Love the bikes hanging on the wall <3

  10. Lovely pics! Thanks for the little mention, I really need to get some time to blog about it!! x

  11. woo, sorry we didn't get to chat at the birdcage but I loved your rock chic look x
    XO Amie

  12. I'm sorry I didn't get much of a chance to speak to you - but I love seeing all of these blog posts about the event, so interesting to see how different people saw the same event :)


All comments are read and appreciated! (:
Don't forget to check back if you asked a question as I try to always reply. You can also tweet me @amyvalentinex!

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