Tuesday 10 April 2012

'unicorn hair'

I've decided that this summer I want unicorn hair and I really want to go all out.  I've dip dyed it in the past which you can see from some of my old posts but I want to go to the extreme in the near future.  I want to stick to pastels as I'm not brave enough to go neon but what do you think? Which of these pictures is your favourite?
love amy x


  1. Awesome idea! I've been purple and blue :D The blue faded to a really cool pastel blue/green colour :)

  2. I love unicorn hair! If I was blonde like you I would defiantly think about having it, but since I'm brunette it's a lot more hassle! :( All the pictures are amazing but I like the ones with the lilac, pink and pale blue in them. I'm sure it would look lovely on you.

    Emma x

  3. I love it! You'll look great this summer, especially with wavy hair.

  4. 2, 5 and 15- I love streaky colorful hair when you can still see your natural blonde through it like with 5/15. its also not as extreme as just one entire colour.

  5. I really like the thick coloured chunks in the fifth photo on the top row!
    Pastels would really suit you x

  6. Love the first picture on the last row, that would look gorgeous on you! xx

  7. I'm going a lilac colour and then pink afterwards this summer, i just love coloured hair! I really love 3, 4 and 5 but i think 5 is more toned down xx

  8. i love the bottom left one and the one five pictures in from the left on the bottom row. Love this kind of hair but i'd never be brave enough to do it myself. Love your blog! xx

  9. I think you're very brave but I also think that if done right it can look amazing! I love the pastel shades the best :) good luck! I can't wait to see the results xx

  10. Hey sweetie! You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

  11. Howdy heyy!!! I just discovered your blog xx it's awesome xx reading?? That's close to where i and my family live, do you know camberley?? xxx Also, how did you do your blog header? It's relly, relllly, cool. xx thanksssx

  12. Amazing hair! I really wish I could pull it off but I'm sure I couldn't <3

  13. i like the blue and purple hair on picture 13. i think it would looks really great on you :) i want to dye my hair too. but at the moment it's black...so i think i have to go to the hairdresser to bleach them :/

  14. I just got directed to this page because I got told a photo I took was on here, but I took photo number 7 :) (first picture on the 2nd row) It's my beaaautiful friend Emily!

  15. I love this new trend!!!! Your blog is gorgeous!


  16. love the last two! really enjoying reading your blog. new follower :) x


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